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  • Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit there are some more comments coming through below:

    4) Reserved numbers showning incorrectly there is a pay now button dismissed please see screen shot attached

    for #6903 the totals look good BUT as we noted there is always loading time on the page to display total numbers available and it takes a very significant time to show the vendors totals. The gif globe works great BUT we still need to do something with it to make the totals display straight after visitor landed on the CLECK inventory page:

    AS in idea we think maybe the previous record should be shown as Total numbers available with loading gif and message hovering on the top of it saying (updating data or synchronizing current data and etc)

    So the idea is all customers could see the TOTAL available number at all the time but once landed previous synchronized numbers should be already present AND IF customer would like to wait let the loading gif and message “updating data..” showing customer that new Total Numbers will be displayed soon.

    Please feel free to advice if you have your ideas for that.

    for top 20 customers task:

    When customers go to all statistic https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/1-Top20.jpg
    then, top 20 customers, https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/2-top-20.jpg
    we can not see top 20 customers task completed as everything looks as it was before.https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/3-Top-20.jpg

    could you please check, also please try checking from iphone devise as it seems there are lot of issues coming out from this OS that is not visible from desk top or android and site admin tester usual checks from iphone too.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1222

    for #6907

    1) The design fixes has been done.
    2) Can you please tell me that for which username the coupancode is not working ?
    3) can you please tell me one user name whom order is not displaying on https://excellentnumbers.com/admin/index.php?ToDo=viewCustStats ?

    for #6913
    4)Can you please tell me that on which page reserved number is displaying like this ? Because i checked it on iPhone, Android and desktop it looks OK.

    For vendor total numbers :
    We can display pre-saved numbers to the user when user open CLEC page the presaved total number will display to the user. and in background the process of fetching total numbers from vendor will run, when it got it response from vendor it will update the displayed total to user.

    For top 20 customer :

    Should it work like Statistics -> Customer Statistics -> Revenue Per Customer (Tab) ?
    I am asking because i made changes on this tab.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, for #6907

    1) will check and get back to you.
    2) We saw that site admin could not achieve the coupon code using iPhone will check it again and request video for your reference.
    3) in here we can not see all users who ever spend money on the EN, also it used to show top 20 customers highlighted in other color but we can not see it now?

    4) can you check by the number but from iPhone? 715 999 9999 and send us screen shot?

    for #6914 For vendor total numbers : your idea sounds good please do so.

    For top 20 customer :
    Yes please Nishit make it so it looks convenient so site admin could see all the customers who spend any money on EN for all time including those 20 top highlighted so we could track them easily, more information the better if we can see customer spend somthing then we could see what was that top up or link to order ID etc.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    in addition to top 20 customer : i can see you have done filter for time frame to display all spending customers per time frame it is very good but how do we check all customers who ever spend on the EN site.

    Please do not forget that top 20 who spend the most to have highlighted so we can track those at all the time.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit how is all going, we can see you doing changes on top 20 and CLEC inventory but we haven’t got your confirmation report about the above mentioned so we can test again.

    While you working on it please do not forget to use the loading gif with transparent background as the white background looks a bit ugly on the color layout.

    Also upon testing CLEC inventory we found that orders being created well and we could successfully order a number using CLEC inventory search – well done Nishit we glad it works.

    When we ordered a number from vendors search we have received a checkout invoice on email from the vendor and also we noted that orders being added to the EN shopping cart for payment which is great – on this point just curious if we can make all customers paying for their (CLECL INVENTORY) numbers using EN checkout system (ONLY FOR THOSE WHO’s GOT CREDIT On EN SITE) all other checkouts can be disabled so we wont get any vendors emails about checkout payments.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1222

    Please check #post-6918 which i submitted. It disappear as i submit on portal.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1222


    Changes on
    https://excellentnumbers.com/admin/index.php?ToDo=viewStats -> Top 20 Customer &
    https://excellentnumbers.com/admin/index.php?ToDo=viewCustStats -> Revenue Per Customer has been made.

    Working on Vendors total count on CLEC page.

    For 6915 :

    2) I check it on iPhone and it looks it is working fine. : https://i.postimg.cc/66CbxHnT/4-D39-A1-CE-F9-F6-4-AD2-BFF9-0241-D7-B526-D2-1-105-c.jpg
    3) Changes has been made.
    4) I can not search 715 999 9999 so i send you the screenshot from reserved number page of testing number . https://i.postimg.cc/Ls7Q2wxg/F9809-AF2-C142-4-B82-AC08-F99-B61-F45-E8-E.png


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your updates we are checking your updates,
    would you please advice if you amended #6917 (IMPORTANT) notes.

    While we checking please find new job created for you please get familiarized with new task will be adding more tasks on the page as we go. https://webmaklay.com/accounts-management/


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Mark Hanson.
    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1222


    For #6917 (IMPORTANT) :

    I am not familiar with the checkout mail from vendors after order.
    Yes we can modify checkout process for clec numbers, but I think we can not bypass this checkout mail from vendors, because currently on clec page when user submit detail on activation detail page it makes an order on EN, and then it will send a request of order to the vendor.
    The process will be same after modification on clec page.
    Means after confirming the order from checkout page on EN, the order request for API will send by system.
    And the mails may be sent by vendors when we create order on API.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your comments, we are still checking job, the good news is that we haven’t been receiving any complains so far so hoping will finalize this by the end of the week and send it to finance.

    There are still PHP version pending work but we need to arrange it with our system admins who are very busy at this stage.


    Jeff Simpson
    Post count: 37

    Hi guys sorry for delay with my support,
    for #6934 – i have now created a duplicate account for EN so you can now proceed with PHP version task.
    Please Nishit find a TEMP CP access to the gr8family account with EN copy, please double check that it has a different DB config before doing any changes.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.
    Kind regards JF

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Thank you Jeff i can see the https://gr8family.com/ has a copy of EN for PHP V upgrade task.
    Nishit please let us know if you have any issues.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1222


    I tried to change the database credentials to some file from “EN” to “gr8” from CP but it does not allow me to make changes. And it display the error. hear is a screenshot of it.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1222

    And please provide the ftp credential.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nisit thank you for your updates, for your #6940 thats strange will check but you can access cPannel and create a FTP account to change the DB data via FTP.

    for #6941 i think Cpannel access will allow you to create your FTP account from there.
    Please let us know if any difficulties on that.


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