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  • Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1195

    Hello Mark,

    I have to from my side, Please ask admin to start testing and also you can give me resources for me to test the functionality.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    hello Nishit thanks for the updates from your message above are we checking https://portal.voip.us/port-out and https://portal.voip.us/admin/port_out ?

    have you tested your code already?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1195

    Hello Mark,

    You can test from both admin and front side.
    Yes, i have tested and it is working for port-out mail notification.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Thank you Nishit will send report to site admin so they can start testing. Your can have a look at this https://webmaklay.com/vp-api-enhancement/ job which is still being planned and adding more tasks to it but you can start doing your preps and drafts while we testing your work and will be reporting to you results.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit how is all going? just letting your know that we will start your task testing on next week as we site admin tester is busy with other duties and we voip team need to organize some numbers for both port outs and carrier managements.

    As a first impression comment we were expecting the portout table look will be more looking as a vendors portout table but it looks the same as it was. Anyway once we start more testing on the job will get back to you with more details.

    Meanwhile you can start vp-api-enhancement task and we can see notifications feedbacks.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1195

    Hello Mark,

    Thanks for the Update.
    I am in discussion with my finance team about your new task (voip-api-enhancement).

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your reply, please let us know if any questions about new task and we will get back to you in 24 hours or so.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit, we have got some news, your Customers API has been tested by our client technicians team and here is what they say below. They found multiple issues and talked to us for a long time showing some arguments and prove so we split their respond to a two A and B sections and we tried to be very compact with putting their responds down for you:

    A. Customers API Performance.

    1) Customer say that one respond takes almost 1 min to get and as they have thousands of records they need a few hours to get their data trough your API.

    Please check why it is so bad and please fix it asap. For example on inteliquent it takes 10 seconds to download thousands of numbers. We understand that API requests take time but not that long.

    2) In #11959 we have agreed to reduce the information that needs to be displayed for the customers API and we can not understand why customers still recieving so many information? I gues we will resolve this issue when you finish https://webmaklay.com/vp-api-enhancement/ – Adding API parameters task. Meanwhile could you please fix it asap.

    B. Security Issues

    1) this one is very embarrassing if members API approved they can check each other’s commercial information by just a link and user name https://portal.voip.us/api/get-all-number?name=Great%20Number%20inc&limit=2 when we opened that link even without any authorization.You can simply change user name and quantity and it will get you all the information which MUST be very secured.

    I guess you agree that you do not need to be a developer to understand that links are being indexed by search engines and some clients use corporate computers and can visit the same link without even having account with Voip.

    2) This is why we asked you to create a test page so we can test this by ourselves before giving this to our clients, we glad that we told them that it is a demo version but still the level of security for such a valuable commercial information is very poor. On other sites you can not even visit same link twice as the session gets expired and restrict all data from any sorts of data leak. Some creating key access and tokens or domain verification scenarios. There are many ways to protect important data but on Voip we have got none.

    Just to remind you that all voip clients are very serious companies and we can not afford to give them this poor quality work to use as we may loose our reputation once and forever.

    Please Nishit review all your Customers API work so it responds to our customers high expectations. We agreed with your budget for this work but in result we got what we got. Please repair this work ASAP so it is become a quality piece of product. Fast and secured.

    If you require better server resources our system team can work on that so we need you to make this job better quality please.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1195

    Hello Mark,

    Thank you for your reply & update.

    I will check your message and will make required changes for it.

    I will move to VP “Api Enhancement” tasks after issues from #12031 has been solved.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit i hope you have had a great holiday,
    please find a video testing report when we tested your PortOut task.

    Please see comments on the video and Inteliquent form as we mentioned to you earlier so youc could make a portout table similar to Ineloquent. (Not Copy but similar)
    Could you please fix all the reported feedbacks.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    for your #12033 thank you!

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1195

    Hello Mark,

    I made changes into getallnumbers API response. Is this datas are ok ?

    Work in progress for user authentication on api and tokenize api calls.

    Jeff Simpson
    Post count: 37

    Hello Nishit we got your update, Mark is not here today and will be back tomorrow,
    i have read your correspondence and aware about Voip test result meeting with project admins, i think it would be better to rectify all the points mentioned in #12031 and #12034 so then we can meet Voip team again.

    If i also can suggest to approach Voip admins feedback seriously as they were very unhappy with the out come. However we have explained to them that this was a demo version and we haven’t had any preliminary inspection on your task outcome.

    There is an other important message for you today, that Voip project has scheduled to migration to an other instance and project migration time set on the end of this week. This is why we would like you to ask to pause your files uploads by the end of this week and create your local backups so we can migrate all the project files to an upgraded architecture.

    It is expected to face a down time for the period of Voip project migration (30-31 Mar) and we assuming to re start Voip project directories by Monday next week. So you will be able to continue your work on Monday 1st of April AUS time.

    Thank you again for your hard work.
    Happy Codding

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1195

    Hello Jeff,

    Thank you for your update.

    Tokenize Authentication has been created. Implementing it on all API calls.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your update, please let us know when you finished so we can test it all again.

    Sorry for our connectivity we’ve been doing some work on hard ware.
    Thank you Jeff for you help im back now:!

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