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  • Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1195


    Is trunkGroup is necessary for the order ?
    I am asking you because when i tried make order through the intelligent portal it necessary to select trunkGroup.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1195

    For Top 20 Customers Upgrade

    Do you want to make new tab with top 20 customer ?


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    hello Nishit, thank you for your updates and questions.

    for #6805 i have submitted my request to the site admin to provide you accurate advice. Please allow me sometime i will get back to you on this later on.

    #6806 and i guess #6811 3) is the same – also i have contacted our team so we might connect the senior developer =for further assistance. Will get back to you on this later on.

    #6813 as per my first answer i would say use trunkGroup for the order creation successful process but if you ask then my curiosity is can we create an order without requesting trunkGroup?

    #6814 – thank you for this question, there is already a tab for top 20 customers i do not think we need to re do it again but client wnats to upgrade it so we can see all customers spending not only top 20. If you think that you can make this functionality better while redesigning this top 20 customers tab and you have your own vision on how it should be on the site we weclome your ideas and looking forward to see it how you do it.

    Here is whet we need to keep in mind:
    1) If you have any other fascinated ideas how to rebuild any of EN existing functionality you are free to do so but please always make your local backup of previous source code as if customer do not like it you can easy to return previous design back to the site without any delays.
    2) and lastly if your ideas will be found more efficient there will be always a bonus from the company for such an enthusiastic approach and improvements.

    for #6810, there were already multiple topics and discussions about this issue and we though you have already fixed that. If pin code removed there should not be any thing displayed for pin code record means nothing even no “0”;)

    we also mentioned previously and this issue was reported as fixed:

    Client is not in telinta and site admin creates an order for this client on EN site and tries to activate this number. Such client who is not in Telinta should be by default be assigned to Excellent Number group so we could activate numbers for such numbers but it is still not working, could you please check and fix it?
    see video for more details.
    [video src="https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/not-in-telinta.mp4" /]


    Post count: 190

    Hello team, thank you for updates, it is great seeing the project comes to its end,

    for #6805 – do not worry about Ported In numbers we do not have them at this stage it is when clients connect their numbers to us so there is no orders for Ported in now.

    for IN**** EN inventory Nishti can you please leave default color as it was before we used to this color and we know when it is default EN inventory and it is good if it will be as it was before which is white.


    a) On CLEC page there are two blocks in the center of the page 1st on is CLEC inventory search and 2nd Search Result so the second block should be only visible on the page when client requested some numbers and then this block with the search result should be appearing on CLEC page with client’s search results. When site users landing on the page there should be only 1 block visible until any search requested.

    b) On CLEC Search page please change wording: Number of Record to Quantity for both title and place holder. “Phone Number” please change to “First Three Digits” and next field “Last Four Digits” so it make sense.

    c) we tried to test by searching 6666 number, Florida, 100 then clicked search no loading gif in the top of the page we saw a error message in a horrible looking popup found nothing working in here – please advice if it is early for testing? If so please do not forget loading gif, nicely framed popups in the center of the page not at the top and working search.

    d) it seems when we search 4 digits number 8888 we can see “c)” scenario we need to find the way how we can find request such numbers with last for 8888 if it is hard to do search with four digits then please think about adding a “*” in front if 888 so the request goes *888 and customer gets a numbers of options with last 8888.

    d.2) On selected numbers table there should be clickable “x” instead of Remove as it is shown on the sketch. when “x” clicked then number removed.

    e) we tried to pick one number from search then clicked CONFIRM the pop up message appears saying “Please select shipping address” please change it to “Please select an activation info” we selected an option from the right hand side and clicked confirmed then after sometime successful page come up. Please put loading globe and message processing everywhere when customers click any button to avoid confusion and testing failures.

    f) when order generated there is a wording “My Orders” ; Pending please change “My Orders” to “Status”. Also on the same page we selected activation info but it was not showing on this page please ensure it shows here.


    for #6776
    c) Done – Nishit could you please make the font of the numbers big enough to fit in a row please check on laptop.

    for #6775

    g) we have refund some money to a client on 6th of August and client request dated on 26 July. When we complete refund on Refund Details next to refunded date it shows the date when refund has been initiated bit not the time when it has been requested. Therefore the Refund Details the time for refunded time should be 6th of August not 26th of July. Could you please fix it.


    We tried to search some numbers and found one number say 210 222 8881 then we clicked that and this number moved to Selected table which is al correct. Then we assumed situation when customer changed his mind and removed this number but this number did not come back to available table.

    Then we checked intelligent reserved numbers this number was not there and then we tried to search this number on intelligent DB and we could not find it. The question is do you know where this number gone and how it all works?

    it looks very good team it takes a bit more time for completion but hoping you guys can finish this this week.

    Kind regards Andrey

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1195


    For #6817 : First i will check the issue of customer order activation And pin. And then i will continue on current development.
    for customer order activation i removed customer from telinta which one is related to testing account(developer5@webmaklay.com) and tried to activate number on telinta and it works fine.

    For #6818 :

    Thanks for the suggestion.
    I will that Adjustments in future development.
    Answer of Question :
    I don’t know much about this but Number will come back to listing after some time(around 20min to 30min).


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, sure take your time on above suggestions and issues, we will wait when it is ready for testing and try all mentioned points.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1195


    For Top 20 Customers Upgrade:
    Do you want to list of those customer who bought number from the En Or the list of all customer ?


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your question,
    #6821 – please allow site admin to see the list of all customers who spent any money on EN that’s needed for customers sending treatability only. Please do not forget that top 20 spenders should be standing out in some way.

    How is your othre tasks and repairs going, is there any progress on #6817 & #6818 do you think we can test this job this week?

    Nishit could you please check the https://excellentnumbers.com/admin/index.php?ToDo=viewactivepending admin numbers activation process, we have received a complain that site admin could not activate numbers from that page.
    They say when their click activate the there was a loading for a long time and then it failed. Again customers asking for a time buffer for such a failed loadings so after sometime the message says something like :- try again later or anything else but not sure why it happens better resolve this issue at once and for ever.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1195


    on #6817 & #6818 :
    Work in progress for this tasks.

    I made some changes regarding the number activation with out customer. i think it may affect to i made changes please give it a try.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1195

    For #6818 :

    F) I am little confuse here as I created the order and i redirected to the [https://i.postimg.cc/zv1WQ4dx/screenshot-excellentnumbers-com-2022-08-09-12-30-54.png]. I did not get any wording on this page ‘My Orders’.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your messages,
    for #6823 we will check it all once #6817 & #6818 done as well.

    Sorry for confusion For #6818 : F) this wording you will find on this page https://excellentnumbers.com/account.php?action=view_order&order_id=20895 order details. On the same page where Activation Info there should be actual activation details not the Activation Info words:)

    Please let me know if any more questions.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit just letting you know that we have updated your page!

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1195


    Thank you for the update.

    Which truckGroup should i use ?

    Did you get any idea about how can we create order on Intelligent without directory listing and truckGroup? Because i checked documentation there is no any detailed information about it.

    For #6818 (G):
    On which page this refund date is displaying wrong ?


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit i have checked and we will need to use any of the trunkGroup so you can use any of two as long as it’s used.
    Please tru to use trunkGroup and see if that helps and reqires a directory listing, you may need to try each trunkgroup at a time that will work without directory listing and if it wont help will get to the siniour dev again.

    For #6818 (G): it has found on the admin side orders, find a latest order where we did a refund.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1195


    I made orders with trunk group which i got from API(API have functionality to list out API trunk Group). But it is not working
    It gives response from Intelligent API : {“status”:”Success”,”statusCode”:”200″,”orderId”:”null”}

    Order process gives successful response but it did not generate orderId on intelligent.


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