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  • Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1228

    In addition to #11788 :

    I can not get your portout notification changes clearly, Can you please explain it again ?

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit, thank you for your updates, for #11788
    a) it is now looking good thank you.
    b) Thank You
    c) TN settings is now working we have chekced that there is a search for the number as a first page and then we add number and clicked Manage button and managing form come up with is good but please make a little gab between number search form and number managing form as they sit very close to each other. In other tasks we will do some work on that page as it still needs some modernasation.
    d) Thank you
    e) Poertout task we just want yo to make it same way as it is on Ineliquent.
    For pending notifications buget tasks can be found about the the task name on mouse over Budget link also you can see it in your office page remaining payout.

    for #11789 and #11788 e)
    yes you have made a portout table for us but with Portout notifications task this https://portal.voip.us/port-out table functionality should be more like this https://portal.inteliquent.com/CustomerPortal/numbersHomePortIn.htm
    kindly pen the ineliquent portout page and our task details so that information will make your mind set for the task plan.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1228

    Hello Mark,

    Can you please update the intelligent Login credentials I can not login on inteliquent with provided credentials on office page.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit we have updated the pass please use the pass on your office page for voip account!

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1228

    Hello Mark,

    Sorry to say that but I can not login on inteliquent portal through the pass which start with “T^5tU”.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit sorry for inconvenience i have contacted Andrey for pass reset please check new pass that starts with your name!


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1228

    Hello Mark,

    Thanks you for the update. Now it is working and i can login on the inteliquent portal.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Thanks Nishit will catch up with you in some time!

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit we hope you have had a great weekend, how is all going?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1228

    please find message post-#11802

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1228

    Hello Mark,

    Does my message was removed/hidden here? I sent a message after #11799 on Friday.

    For #11792:

    I checked the functionality of ( https://portal.voip.us/port-out ) page, the user have to search his/her port-out order number or phone number to search his/her order. There is no option to sort the port-out order for particulate user. Do you want to display all order to the user on port-out page?

    I am still not clear from where user is going to create an portout order on Port-Out(https://portal.voip.us/port-out) page.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1228

    Hello Mark,

    I am confused here. Are you considering this inteliquent port-out page(https://portal.inteliquent.com/CustomerPortal/numbersHomePortOut.htm) instead of the Port-in page(https://portal.inteliquent.com/CustomerPortal/numbersHomePortIn.htm). And i did not make changes or create functionality for the Port-Out page(https://portal.voip.us/port-out) except I added the message above the search form.

    For Port-out page : I checked the API again and portal also and I found that, On user/Front-end page user have to search his/her port-out order to get detail of his/her order. And on Admin side the admin have access of all port-out orders. For front I checked the Api to Short data from End user name but there us no option to short data with user name. Do we have to display all port-out orders on front end ?

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your messages due to multiple links some of your messages go to a pending forlder for some reason they all are here now.

    So for your questions i guess we need to break this tasks in sections to make it complete and working.

    1. Firstly we need to make this page https://portal.voip.us/port-out working. When customers login in and click on Port Out page they should see their port outs. For example if customer Great Numbers Inc logged in then system should display Great Numbers Inc portout only. How system knows which users’s portout i think you already know when your were working on this page https://portal.voip.us/admin/port_out admin side portout records. Both site admin portouts and user port outs tables should work properly then it will be easy to maintain further works. To clarify that site admin can see all the users portout records data but users only see their own portouts. Once number ported out the number assighed for particular user and all the data should diplsay all columnns for users portout info https://portal.voip.us/port-out.

    So please make sure this first step tunned up properly and functioning.

    2. Second phase we can now start seting up a porting notification page. When customer clicked on Porting Notification tab it should lead them to a page where customer can add their data where all porting notifications should go to. So fo that i guess it should be a panel where customer adds his:

    Name, Surname and Email address.

    This panel should say that to this selected name surname and email system will be sending port out notifications.
    Customer can add multiple contact references as he want. Once all this data has neen added then these two 1 and 2 sections of the task become paired.

    for example when port out received on this page https://portal.voip.us/port-out it should be then automatically sent to the customer details indicated on Portout Notifications page. From now on portout notification shouod go only to those contact details that are mentioned on Portout Notifications page. (You did simmilar work on ExcellentNumbers project) So when port out order appeared on https://portal.voip.us/port-out page customer can either approve it or Reject. So please consider some approve and reject buttons here.

    Same for notification emails the email should be sent to the preferred customer contact email and email should contain two buttons approve or reject portout and when customer clicks on any of them it should lead them to this page https://portal.voip.us/port-out to approve or reject.

    I would strongly suggest to modify this page https://portal.voip.us/port-out so it looks something similar as on Inteliquent please go to INTELIQUENT – Number Porting- Portout https://portal.inteliquent.com/CustomerPortal/numbersHomePortOut.htm you will find a table there which you already done on https://portal.voip.us/port-out but you now need to finish its bottom part https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/portout.jpg. and if customer clics on any order it shows its portout order details as well as approval information.

    Please not https://portal.inteliquent.com/CustomerPortal/numbersHomePortOut.htm some of the orders shown as approved and some pending approval. So if you click on pending order you will see the other page with two buttons Reject or Approved.

    IF you click Reject it will provides a pop up with message ” are you sure you wnat to reject and so on as per Job description.

    3. In this section please focus on notification email structure so it has email title subject: XXX-XXX-XXXX PortOut Validation and email body as per job description with buttons approve or reject.

    I hope it is all clear for you to start please let us know if you need more details.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1228

    Hello Mark,

    Thanks you for your detailed reply.

    For #11807 : I checked the inteliquent API documentation the API does not give any facility to sort/search port-out order directly from API. Does inteliquent provide any functionality to sort the order by order’s end user?

    Api Document’s Reference path : https://portal.inteliquent.com/CustomerPortal/resources/api_docs/index.html#tag/Reference/paths/~1tnPortOutHistory/post

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit thank you for your question will check it and get back to you!

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