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  • Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit how are you? for your #11808 we havn’t heard anything from the provider but i think you can separate voip customers by developeing a code for that please let us know if you can do that. Meanwhile we still get hold of the seniour developer regarding that matter and we think the suggestion will be the same.

    Aslo there is a comment come from the site admin saying the following:

    —————- Site Admin Message Starts ——————–
    Hey guys our client Great Number Inc has got plenty numbers on his Voip account and he always complain that he can not download all of his numbers using your download button for some reason. Could you please make sure it works and customers with big amount of numbers can download their numbers with no probs. Also same customer says that the site is very slow any suggestions on this?
    —————- Site Admin Message Ends——————–

    from above Nishit can you please make sure that Great Numbers Inc can download their numbers please kindly check it and fix what ever needful. Please test it your self multiple times so it 110% works. Do not worry if it require any additional encoding we need that working with no complains and if more codings done on that just let us know we discuss with finance and pay for your fix.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1224

    Hello Mark,

    Thank you for your update and comment.

    For Portout page: I will check if it will be possible and will get back to you.

    For numbers download: I will check that.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Thank you Nishit!

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1224

    Hello Mark,

    For Portout page: We can not make this functionality without the number sorting user wise.

    For numbers download: I checked the functionality and i made some changes for the downloads and file is downloading without any error.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit, thank you for your updates, for For Portout page we have had a chat with site admin and they advised to get the user records from Telinta and all the users got their phone numbers and from their phone numbers you can get a portout information. Let us know if you can do that.

    For numbers download have you checked it your self for Great Numbers Inc if it downloads all the numbers?

    We are working on an other task which is going to be added shortly.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1224

    Hello Mark,

    Thank you for reply.

    Does it means the telinta also provide the port out numbers data ?

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit no but with Telinta you can get the portout table with user IDs and help you to finish this Portout notification task.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello NIshit how is all going, what is the progress so far? We are working on additional task for this job creating API library for the customers we can start it after when you finished Porting notifications.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1224

    Hello Mark,

    Sorry, I forget to update you.

    We are working on to find the way for port out notification task.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Oh i see, thats fine Nishit? it sounds that you guys switched on logic task now, looking forward for your resolution, i will let the finance know so i believe your skills will be appreciated.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit, please find some comments come to us today regarding portout table you created.

    1) When we opening Portout page from admin https://portal.voip.us/admin/port_out and try to search a number the search does not work and shoiwn that there is no number for that portout but telephone number exist. So search does not search by number can you please fix it?

    2) Then when we click on order port out it shows port date incorrectly . The date shows when port has been submitted but not that date when number should be ported out. Usualy the FOC date shoould be 2-3 days away from the time when portout has been submitted.Please find couple screen shots below on Voip portdate shows january (when the portout has been submited) and second screen shot from Inteliquent same number but dated February date which is correct as January date when the portout has been submitted and February is the date when the number was actually ported out so on Inteliquent the date is correct and same should be on Voip can you please adjust that too.

    Voip date – Portout date shows Jan when the portout request has been submited https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/PRT1.png port day incorrect

    and Ineliquent date – the actual day when number has accually been ported out https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/PRT2.jpg Port day is correct/

    Could you please fix that.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit i hope you have had a good weekend. How is all going with your tasks? We have added an additional task to this page so please find Customers API task on https://webmaklay.com/voip-modules/


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1224

    Hello Mark,

    I am not getting the exact API function in telinta API documents for portout list.

    I found a API function that i supposed it should be, but there is no request paramiter available to search from portout number list by customer_id .This is the link of API function which i found (https://prev.portaone.com/docs/PortaBilling_API.html#NumberPortingget_request_list).

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thanks for your reply it sounds that you haven’t moved any further from last week and we still hearing same questions from you. You may need to write your own code adn you have all the sources to get customers data from Telinta which will allow you to determine customers ID. just we can not understand why it is so hard im sure if we get senior developer involved they found multiple ways to make all things around.The thing is that senior developer is not always available unfortunately.

    If you look at this page https://portal.voip.us/admin/port_out you can see the orders # and phone numbers next to it so it will already give you an indication of the user ID. Please remember telephone number = user on Telinta.

    Also is there any progress on #11824?


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1224

    Hello Mark,

    Thank you for your reply.

    For #11824 :
    1) The API’s response is taking considerable time so it times out and that’s why this issue occurred.
    2) Changes for the date issue has been made.

    For Port Out page:

    You explained me to sort the port out numbers request list as per user (What is my understanding on this line is, If the any port out request made for the User “Great Numbers inc” on inteliquent then only that data will display on the user portal of “Great Numbers inc”). After checking the inteliquent API documentation i explained you that the inteliquent API is not providing facility to sort the port-out request data through the user detail(Like, user id or user name).

    Then you suggest me to check the telinta API to get the port-out numbers request list after discussion with the Senior developer. I checked the telinta API and then I update you about that.

    Sorry to say that but you are wrong for telephone number = user on telinta. For me a customer is a User at telinta side. And a telephone number is a Account on Telinta API. The Accounts are assigned to the customer, and for the port-out detail we need to find the port-out order of the user(customer) which may contain multiple numbers(Accounts).

    And for the API functionality i am not familiar with all functionality of the Telinta API or any other APIs. And I am trying my best to create code on my own. And this port-out Page functionality is not developed by me so i am not fully familiar with it so i asked you to guide me for this.

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