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  • Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your message how is progress as we can see https://portal.voip.us/admin/miscellaneous page still not done. For #11835 message it is all clear but what ever you done so far we still can not see if it works and we can not give your work to our customers until we saw the sample page how it works.

    yes when we were building this page (https://excellentnumbers.com/pages/Developers.html) developer created a sample page so we could see that it feathers the numbers and API functionality works this is how we could approve this job from finance and release the funds.

    This is what we what you to understand the work you did is for developers which is good but how we show your work to site admins they look at your documentations but cannot see any sample how it looks alive?

    I would recommend you to provide us any of the real view of work how it works it can be on your website or on the page created on Voip as we can not see anything but only your codding’s.

    Unfortunately we can not request the EN access for you at this stage as there are no works and permission for that project yet.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    in addition to #11957 i have sent a request to our planning team if we can release your job as a demo for voip customer so they may provide us their feed back regarding your work reported.

    Since we haven’t got any sample page from you we can only rely on clients feedback which will be as an assessment report to our finance team for their accounting process.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit how you have had a great weekend, i ve got a good news for you it looks that site admins agreed to my idea from #11958 and they checked your API response and here is what they suggest below:

    =================SITE ADMIN API COMMENTS BELOW ================
    There are too many information being sent trough API calls please limit this information as following:

    First part of your API responds = parameters from Telinta.
    Please leave ONLY
    Vendor name – (please change to Carrier)
    Customer name

    * The rest of information please bring it to the site admin control panel so we can allow if require.

    That part of the API respond which is from Inteliquent:
    Please only leave the following:

    Port out pin
    Rate center
    Province (please change to “State”)
    TN status

    * The rest of information please bring it to the site admin control panel so we can allow if require.
    =========================== SITE ADMIN RESPONCE ENDS=====================================

    As you noted some of your api calls site admin want to hide but make that available from voip admin Control Panel so if site admin tick that parameter then ticked information become available in API responds. I know that this task is not discussed in job description and in andrey’s comments so we most likely add it in a furthre tasks when we finish with Voip Modules but you can make a necessary arrangements now to make that task implementable.

    So please let us know when you finished with miscellaneous page so we can report it to the team and finance.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1222

    Hello Mark,

    Thanks for the admin feedback,
    I will make change according to the #11959 information.

    Please check https://portal.voip.us/admin/miscellaneous page . I have given final touch to it.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello NIshit thank you for your message, we noted your miscellaneous updates it looks better now, we also sent you updates to the site admin and finance. Please let us know if you have finished with Customer’s API task and please update about Pending Notification task process.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit we have updated your page.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit we are closing here as a comment for API works would you please let us know if API is safe enough so other members can not use different phone numbers and obtain other clients PIN numbers. Can you please ensure that this is all save.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1222

    Hello Mark,

    I have done with customer API from my side.
    yes, The API access is secure enough. Any member who want’s to access the API have to give there name then we check if the user is permitted from the admin to access the API . If the user is permitted from the admin to access the API then only they can access there information if not then they can not access the API Even if the user is a part of the voip.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1222

    Hello Mark,

    There is little changes is pending for API documentation regarding new changes in response of API.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your clarifications in #11966 and update in #11967,
    please let us know when you start Pending Notification task


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit we have got an other questions from voip site admin:

    1) If client requested refund and we cancelled the number can the client still got a PIN?
    2) Did you remove all the unnecessary info (mentioned in #11959) from API library?
    3) If number is in Telinta but not in Ineloquent what is going to happened and other way around?


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1222

    Hello Mark,

    1) If client requested refund and we cancelled the number can the client still got a PIN?
    My comment : It will depend on telinta or vendor behaviour . If telinta or vendor is providing pin even after cancelled number then the API will also provide the pin.Because i am also providing the same information which is on telinta or vendor.

    2) Did you remove all the unnecessary info (mentioned in #11959) from API library?
    My comment: Yes, i removed all unnecessary info.

    3) If number is in Telinta but not in Ineloquent what is going to happened and other way around?
    My comment : There is 2 vendor with which API is acting to get information. firstly the API function will check if the vendor is Ineloquent or peerless-network and this will fetch the information from the related vendor.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    thanks Nishit what about this:

    1.) If the vendor is peerless, will this fetch the data from peerless ?
    2.) If the vendor is not peerless or Inteliquent, what happens then? Will the customer get an error?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1222

    Hello mark,

    Yes, If the vendor is not peerless or Inteliquent,then it will give error or nothing for unknown vendor. Because i have only two vendor, so i can not get information for the other vendor

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by Nishit Shan.
    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    In the API response example which you sent us, I saw info from Telinta and from vendor. So how the System works? First our system sends API call to Telinta, asking if the phone number is in their pool, then check if the number is assigned to this customer? If yes, the. Sends another API call to the vendor?

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