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  • Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    Thank you for update.

    For #11855 :
    a) In VoIP site admin – There is no functionality developed for peerless to fetch the port-out order from Peerless APIs into back-end.

    B) I will check that and will update you.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit thanks for your reply :

    For #11855 :
    a) it looks that site admins are right when saying some tasks are incomplete, could you please advice why we haven’t finished this task?

    b) thank you

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark.

    #11857 :
    a) This functionality was developed by another developer in the past, and they didn’t include anything related to the peerless. So, I’m not aware of what’s included on the Port-out page. This aspect hasn’t been maintained as a specific task. Developing this is new to me.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Also for #11857 :
    b) The order detail is displaying on my side and it looks it is working (https://portal.voip.us/public/temp/PortoutOrderDetail.png). Ignore port-date into screenshot i found a bug into it i will fix that.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit we find this job was the othre developer working on this from siliconinfo? https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Portout.jpg the tasks shows paid status
    any idea?

    thank you for Also for #11857 :
    b) will check it and get back to you

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    Can you give me the name of that developer from your record so, i can confirm?

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit we do not change projects if company assign a project to any company (SiliconInfo) we can not address this project to any other company this is the company policy. This is why each project responsibility of a certain company.

    If the project assigned to the cetrain company it is a company responsibility to maintain the task and assign their developer to the tasks wihc means we call you Nishit and trust that you are and if some one elses does the job not a Nishit but somone else it is a company’s business we can accept that unless the development productivity and quality are met.

    We work in the internat and pay to the company for the work done and we not veryfy phicial ID who’s excactly working on the task. Please let us know how often you change developers on the tasks and if you are Nishit 🙂

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    For clarification I just ask that user Id. And i want to know that which developer worked on this task from silicon Info before i came into the voip’s portal development.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Your question we understand Nishit but in our finance documentation the jobs that done and paid – Siliconinfo company is the ID in charge we can see that there are some other developers name appeared under Siliconinfo company but we can not take any name from the company to consideration as legislation of the development process linked between Webmaklay and Siliconinfo.

    In our papers it shows the job released and it is paid and if it is not working we seek your as (Siliconinfo) assistance at first to resolve this issue.

    I would suggest to contact your company and ask them who’s been working on any task if you change developers often and find such answers why this task has not been completed in full and discuss within your organization for resolution matters.

    Unfortunately we can not ask our finance to pay for this task again if the task got broken or someone from Siliconinfo has not finished this job or any other developing cross conflicts appeared.

    I hope you understand our concern.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit we are closing here will be back to you tomorrow!

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishith how is all going? we haven’t got any numbers for your testing’s yet but will contact site admins again.
    Have you had a chat with your team regarding Portout table and Peerless?
    Please let us know when about you need phone numbers to test?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    Work in progress for Customers API task’s back-end to store the admin selection data to the database.

    For #11865 :
    Here is the reply :

    We are always getting paid only after completion of the work and never paid before completion of the work. Our record not showing any such task completion and charges towards the same. If you want to do any such job, the timeline and cost will be extra.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your reply, glad to hear that you are progressing just please let us know when we need to prepare phone numbers for you.

    For #11865
    Good point we always test your work and you are being genuine in fixing bugs i guess this is the case when we were waiting for site admin testers as we could not test it from our end and here is how it has got closed and paid.

    What we suggest to not worry about this too much we will conduct an investigation and lodge the case # to relevant departments. We will let you know about the outcome for this issue after updates on this.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit hope everything is going well,
    just a couple updates for you – as we have had a meeting today planning working on some other jobs and tasks for you and some of them are – expanding control panel for the Custom API task that you are doing. This will be an additional task later after this and what important to know is that site admins would like to see some stats data about custom API functionality and usage.

    So while you working on Customer API task please make necessary arrangements to develop it that way so we can later add some statistic tracking attributes such as how many numbers requested via API, usage, users IP, restriction options and so on.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    Sorry for late reply.

    I am working on the API back-end to get numbers data from APIs.

    For #11869 : When you can arrange the Numbers for testing inform me so I can test this numbers for portout and plan further development.

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