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  • Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank thank you for your updates,
    for #6868 – yes please use dropdown as advised but if a single coupon code autofill is also good idea but i think we need to keep an option if site admin does not want to use coupon code.

    Also can all Vendors Search Api errors go to excellentnumbers@gmail.com email account?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230


    Thanks for your reply.

    The coupon won’t automatically apply to this order; instead, the admin must click the apply button to use it.it will be a prefilled coupon code when the admin visits the page.

    And for email changes

    Yes, I will change that.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    thanks Nishit!

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit how is all going, any EST when this job will be complete?

    We have tried to test some points today and here is the logs below:

    1) tried to search 6666 number on peerless and clicked search on ELEC Vendors Search. We know that the numbers are available on Peerless but when we clicked search the entire page gone blank with the loading gif in the middle of the page. The questionis why all the page content gone blank we need the loading gif glob hovering on the top of content while searching.
    2) The page got frozen and then we saw a message wait for page and we decided to wait and after a looong time
    we saw a error and could not get the numbers list. Another question is why it is still not working and when we can use it. It has been a few weeks passed since we started this job?


    Traditionally when we do a work something else is breaking up please refer to this errors found on the site:

    3) New Numbers widget that you done looks good now BUT if not registered users open a landing page they will see this https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/bug1.jpg a “new” number without activation link. This is because the number has been sold BUT still showing on the new numbers widget. Moreover you can click on this number and it show unavailable BUT you still can activate it https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Bug2.jpg ..bunch of errors…could you please fix it.

    4) When unregistered user clicks on the number enquiry it leads to a contact us page if you look at contact us page the map has moved to the bottom corner could you please align it.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    please check #post-6876. it is hidden from display.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    For #6870
    Coupon code selection task has been completed, Please review it.

    Error Email changes :
    admin Mail id has been set for CLEC number page error.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230


    For CLEC Page Error : there is some conflict into error display because of that this issue is Generated. Which loading gif glob do you want to display while processing ?

    a) https://i.postimg.cc/J0qXrrtL/screenshot-excellentnumbers-com-2022-08-18-09-46-23.png (This image is uses for universal ajax request means on admin side and front side)
    b) https://i.postimg.cc/RCXqZbX4/screenshot-excellentnumbers-com-2022-08-18-09-45-26.png (We are using this image on my number page requests)
    c) https://i.postimg.cc/R0BvRcXg/Screenshot-2022-08-18-at-09-47-14-https-excellentnumbers-com.png (This image displays when page is loading.)

    For New Number widget :- changed the query and hidden the sold numbers from view. Now user can not access the sold numbers

    For contact us page :- the map is now in center of the page and stretched.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello NIshit thank you for your updates,
    in #6876 yes we need loading gif c) while processing search request and everywhere else. Can we make it searching more efficient not sure why it takes so long wating time to search the numbers but when we search numbers we know they are available but page load just very loong can you please check that something is wrong there.

    loading image b) can be replaced with c) as loading image b) is old and can be removed and replaced with globe.

    loading image a) is not a big problem where it is but when clients request any operations or search should be everywhere loading image c) .

    for #6870 Coupon code selection will be checked and reported back to you.

    also thank you for Error Email changes : will monitor other issues,

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230


    I fixed loading issue, for CLEC page search.
    I will change the Loading GIFs in further development.

    Note : I will not available tomorrow. Because i am going out of the city

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your updates,
    sure have a lovely trip mate!

    Meanwhile will be checking site and get back to you if any issues!

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit, when you are back please check the following issue:

    When we login from a client who’s got no numbers and click on my numbers link the blank page come up with loading globe gif in the middle and this process does not stop.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit for #6881 we have been checking Vendor search loading issue and finding it much better working after your fix. Thank you for that.

    It looks it is getting better and we hope we finalize this job soon.

    Just one recommendation come up here – we noted that ppl doing loads of mistakes while requesting search numbers they add state Alabama for example but for area code they use different state area codes thus would you please adjust the searching requests parameters synchronizing country states with its area codes.

    For example if customer select Alabama the following area codes become available in the next field drop down.
    If Alabama selected

    following area codes become available and other area codes make hidden
    and so on.

    We believe this will reduce number of errors sent and improve vendor search efficiency.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230


    For #6883 :
    Issue for freezing has been solved but there is some other jQuery conflict there so i am solving that.

    For #6884 :
    Do you want to API base area code selection ? Because peerless gives that facility. Means, We can get area code/npa of selected State directly form API.

    currently it is using the database data for display state and it’s area code.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, i hope you have had a good weekend,

    for #6885 – #6883 : thanks mate please let us know when we can test it.

    For #6884 – yes please let us stick to what’s vendors rules are and this way we may reduce are codes misses.

    So we use API based area codes selection but still with EN States library, what i mean here is please keep all the EN States so customers can see all the sates as on other EN pages, and if any EN state has got area codes but API does not have still list that State EN area codes and on request search page,if nothing found on API return error somthing like API area code unavailable.

    Doing this way will be aware about which area codes do not have API and discuss with our vendors developers.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    for #6885 – #6883 : The issue has been solved.

    For #6884 : Working on it.

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