Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Upgrades 23

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  • Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit i will ask site tester to check it and get back to you what they say,
    meanwhile please check if anything needs to be done on this job please double check if you 100% confident that all works as per job description then you can start prepping this work https://webmaklay.com/en-upgrades-23/ .

    When starting this Job https://webmaklay.com/en-upgrades-23/ please start with API Updates / Numbers Activation task which is urgent.

    Please let us know if you can access all EN project which are reactivated on your office page.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244


    OK, I checked it from my side and i found this numbers into assigned numbers on intelligent portal (https://i.postimg.cc/L540f9DP/Screenshot-2023-04-25-at-14-01-33-Inteliquent-Portal-TN-Order.png)

    I will cross check all task and then i will update you.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello NIshit, thank you for your #10611, please just make sure that autopurchase notification works not only for 200 area code but for all autopurchase rules set by the site admin.

    Once your cross check is done and you are 100% confident all works please let us know will proceed this job to finance and you can start with https://webmaklay.com/en-upgrades-23/. Please begin from API Updates / Numbers Activation task which is urgent.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    The 200 is a order status code, It is not a area code. as you can see in yesterday’s mails and today’s mail form auto-purchase functionality , it also worked for area code 415,212 and xxx.

    And the 200 status code means process completed successfully.

    And for tasks : All tasks has been completed for Voip.

    I will review the task of Excellent Numbers and get back to you.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, yes we can see some AutoPurchase notifications, you can now remove your autopurchase rule from the notification settings page we do not want our Voip customers to pay for trail numbers.

    Yes please feel free to start EN upgrades 23 job and i will send this work to finance.
    Cheers and well done!

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