Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repairs 23

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  • Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello NIshit thank you for your reply, please find some comments below:

    Voip – Links Repair

    – Settings Tab – Could you please remove both fax and phone2 fields,also could you please make First and Last name fields non-editable as well.

    Auto Suggest –
    a) – Done – Does not work
    b) – Done – Does not work
    c) – Done – Does not work

    Port In – Can we check the portal and do this job without waiting for site admin to reply?
    Comment :- Which numbers should I use for develop this functionality ? – you can use any of webmaklay account number.

    The porting page we already have on the site does not work correcly as it displays April portout numbers as lates but it is August now and there is no portout numbers for the latest period of time. The site admin always reminds us about this so would you please make the latest portet numbers selected by default so everytine site admin visits the porin page they can see latest ported numbers displaid?


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Mark,

    For #11050

    Voip – Links Repair
    – Settings Tab –
    I will make that change and will update you.

    Auto Suggest –
    a) The autosuggestion is working as explained in the task. please check this image https://ibb.co/wpPvFBV.
    b) I checked it and it works as explained. If search setting is disable from Miscellaneous Settings page then the autosuggestion will not available on number search & home search page.
    c) It is working as suggested. If the Search Bulk Number Setting is disable from Miscellaneous Settings page then the select all tick box will not available on number search & home search page.

    Port In: Ok.

    Current port out page : I will check the current port-out page functionality and then i will get back to you.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit thanks for your quick respond,
    we have checked your task again and recorded it on video link below:
    [video src="https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Test.mp4" /]

    We found that ALL tick box now working but needs to be aligned properly,
    Auto suggest still not working and butk numbers selection works very slow and once numbers added to the cart the right hand side flotiing window expands over the site borders and look very messy.
    Could you please orgonze that all properly so we could test again.

    For porting in since you can see the portout table works i belive it wont be complicated for you to figure out porting process too.

    Looking forward for your updates,

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Mark,

    For the task about the right hand side flotiing window, To fix this problem may be have to make it static (means the window will not float like it is currently).

    For port-out table: As i explained it in past, we have to click on update button to get the table data updated.

    For port-in functionality : I will make new menu item for this.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your updates and explanations,
    let us hold with floating menu for now we may shedule this update for later jobs

    For port-out table would you please advice why we desided to manulay update this table? We may need to add a message at the top of this tablle saying somthing like ” Please click this button to update the table” or can we make it updated when site admin visits the page and third option can we make a pop up window to notify site admin about the table update verytime they visit this page and they can either update it or desregard this message.

    Please advice as mentoned erlier some peaople working on the site are maybe aged administartos or changed and thus keep asking us about the same issue everytinme we do it. So let us make somthing that remind them on the page and they no longer ask about this job.

    So when we develop somting it has to be not only contemporary looking and frienly it shoudl be aslo retire friendly;)

    For port-in functionality: – thank you i hope it will move this job close to its compection as site admins are bussy with various duties and when they deliver job to us they rely on your professionalism and asuming that you can manage the job the best way you can and all access given to you will allow you to get all things sorted.

    Customers complain that from mobile the site looks very messy and display diffrent unwanted stuff and does not search numbers. Would you please check this.

    Will work on new jobs for you.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Mark,

    Thank you for update.

    For Port-out page:

    We can make load data when user reload/open the page.

    For COMMENTS FOR TODAY: I will check that and get back to you

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your message and ideas, if we can make that page updates when user visits the page that will be good i thing. Although could we please make a message notifying site admin for that case if the page update take time so user can see a message soming like” Please wait the the page is being updated”

    yes please if you can have a look at mobile view as we are getting complains from the site admins.
    Will try to get more updates about that.
    Have a nice weekend.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit in addition to #11058 – Mobile view please see a video and more delail comments to hat below:

    [video src="https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Mobile.mp4" /]
    Video made from site admin account so we have listed all the issues for that.
    1) When non registered user logs in the numbers not being searched could you please fix it?

    2) When we search and add numbers to the cart(Peerless in particular) system supose to check the numbers availabilites but somthing does not work right. Some numbers that show not available actulay are available on the PeerLess vendor but on our site it shows Not Available. As per video 1,2 3 numbers showing not available but these are available on the PeerlLess would you please fix this issue?

    3) Then when we subbmit an other search 3333 in particular the same numbers being found and we can add them to the cart again (on the video 6,7,8 numbers) so some the numbers being dublicated (same numbers adding again) and when we process buy butto it responds remove unavalable numbers. It is very confusing can you please fix it. Why these numbers showing unavalable but they are actulally available on PeerLess. Please fix it.

    4) When we proceed to buy whith those numbers that system apllows the purchase button location is at the top which is an othre confusion. The purcahse button should be right aftre those numbers that are selected for purchase at the botom so customers can see slected numbers and purchase button next to it without scrolling in up and down.

    5) When we click Purchase button there is nothing happening. Here we shoudl take it as a rule to display notification messages aftre every action taken on the site. If purchase button has activated the notification or loading gif should confirm processing action. Please make a message “Please wait” and radio waves Gif appaering for the customer so they know that purchase process has been started and displaid on the customer’s moble or desk top screen.

    When the numbers purched the should be next message saying numbers purchased.

    6) If we slected 3-5 numbers (for example we selected 3 numbers A,B and C) but we could not see any confirmation messages (mentioned in clause 5) then we check emails and we could find email message that number A has been purcahsed but numbers B and C not.
    We suspect that wne peaople buying from Peerless system generates a purcase order for EVERY number selected A, B, C and sends three orders for each number A,B,C. So if we select 100 numbers for one purchase the system creates 100 orders and 100 notifications for each number A,B,C,D,E,F,…..ect which is absolutely wrong.

    If one purchase contain 5 numbers there should be 1 the only ONE order with 5 numbers in it.
    1 Purchase = 1 Order
    50 Numbers in One Purcase = 1 Order
    2 Purcahses = 2 Orders
    an d so on.

    PS. Site admin tester also mentioned noted that mobile design structure is looking very good well done Nishit everything being build very smart in terms of step bu step selection and elements positioning. So just these points mostly related to functionalities mentioned in this message above hoping you can fix it soon.

    in conclusion.
    Nishit please let us know if any tasks you doing new we will report it to finince.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit how are you any updates, we are missing your progress updates?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Mark,
    Sorry for late update.

    Worked on Portout page load data on load of page.

    Checking things of #11060.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    thanks Nishit for your reply,
    will check back tomorrow as we are closing here for today.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Mark,

    First i will work on Port-in functionality first then i will take look on other issues.

    Is that ok?

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your reply, yes we thought you are alredy working on Port in job also we have been sending you some comments that seems to be not checked as we can not see you fixed them please see this message
    #11050 regarding settings page.
    also Ato suggest a) still not working as we mentioned

    Could you please let us know what have you done for Port In task?

    Jeff Simpson
    Post count: 37

    Good day Mark, Nishit we are running late with the Voip Repairs 23 job as the other Custom Features job should be also done with port in functionality in place.

    Please Mark combine these two jobs in one as some of port in functionality should be build into the members home page middle section drop down that is menntioned in Custom Features (advanced search) section.

    An additional note to everyone – please expect 5 minutes down time wich will commense in 3 mins.

    Post count: 237

    Hello team thank you for following up,
    yes we are a way behind will try to create a video with site admin to help out to Nishit with portin job speed up progress.
    Kind regards Andrey

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