Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repairs 23

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  • Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your updates will request site admin for more detals,
    meanwhile would you please let us know whcih parametres we can pullout from the portal source for account settings page on Voip?

    Will check the home page loading and customers who have large amout of numbers would would you please advice if you have done any tasks from this job that we can already test.

    We have spoken to finince and they will increase this job budget due to settings page develpement.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit i hope you have had a great week end, we have increased your payout budjet taking in account setting page development process.

    Will be also adding more tasks to this job as we go.
    Looking forward for your updates on #10931. It would be great to hear your vison on Setting Page too.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    Thank you for update.

    Here is update for tasks

    Voip – Purchase Numbers
    a) Done
    b) Done
    c) Done
    Voip – Links Repair
    Phone Numbers Tab – Done
    Settings Tab
    Account Settings – in progress – Waiting for the query reply.
    Login Settings – Done
    On same page – Done

    Spelling -Footer
    Spelling – Done
    Footer – Done

    #10934 :
    I get all client’s information from the api. And i just need your instruction on which fields should I need to show and update on Account Setting Page.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your udpates will check your “Done tasks” and get back to you witth more info.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit please find some comments below:
    Voip – Purchase Numbers
    a) has not been fixed

    c) When customers click botton buy more numbers and chose an area code numbers the tick box for ALL overlaping the word ALL could you please aligh it.

    aslo if we search multiple numbers and want to select all the numbers we click all the pop up appears on the top of the page but bulk numbers selection does not work, could you please fix it.

    On member home page there is a search link at the top side menu , when we click it the search box comes up in a dark light box and if we add any search in that field the source code error being displaid. Could you please fix it.

    As per setting page we will get back to you a bit later.
    And add more tasks to this job.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    Thanks you for update

    a) Please provide information on which page/functionality this error is generated ?


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    For #10938 -> C)
    aslo if we search multiple numbers and want to select all the numbers we click all the pop up appears on the top of the page but bulk numbers selection does not work, could you please fix it.
    Comment :- Changes has been regarding this.

    aslo if we search multiple numbers and want to select all the numbers we click all the pop up appears on the top of the page but bulk numbers selection does not work, could you please fix it.
    Comment : There is no code created for bulk selection on front end. It just gives the alert with “Check All!”.

    On member home page there is a search link at the top side menu , when we click it the search box comes up in a dark light box and if we add any search in that field the source code error being displaid. Could you please fix it.
    Comment : Changes has been regarding this.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit for #10939, the error generates on customers log in they sent us complainis that it happeneds first time and they only can log in on second or third time.

    For #10938 -> C) thank you will check it.

    for check all, could you please make Check all checking all the numbers otherwise it does not make sence for check all tick box on that page since it does not check anything will request finince to add more funds for that.

    Will chekc search llink and get back to you.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    For #10938: I tried to login customer(Eduard Tkachenko) from admin side in different browser and it looks working fine.

    For #10938 -> C) for check all, i will make that changes and get back to you.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit we have recived an othre complain about the source code when user Eduard Tkachenko loggs in to his account, as they say somtime they can log in and when they click remember me or change pass the user being kicked off and source code display same page.

    We suspect when you check this account you login from admin and this is how you unable reproduce this issue please try from clicnts page with the pass and surf around his account to detect the issue.

    For #10938 -> C) for check all, i will make that change…we have reported to finince they will add more funds for this task.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    currently working on the bulk selection once it is complete i will check the issue on the client login.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit, thank you for your updates, we assume you are working on the same page so the Buy More Numbers button no longer shape looking https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Whereisthebutton.jpg. Please have a look at that at the end of your Select All work.

    Aslo just letting you know that we have added an othre task to this job: Auto Suggest can be found on the job page.
    Looking forward for your updates.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    Thank you for update,

    Regarding the “Buy More Numbers” button, I have tested its appearance on Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge. In all these browsers, the button appears as shown in this screenshot: [https://ibb.co/PxhPs4P].

    Could you please specify which browser you are referring to where the button’s design is not as expected?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    Work in progress on Home Search bulk selection, You can check bulk selection on numbers page from user dashboard.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, for #10952 for button appearance and get back to you.
    for #10953 thanks will waif for completion to test.

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