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  • Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your reply and screen shots but we need to show actual work to the site admins not your screen shots; From your screen shots i guess there is an API that cuustomer needs to embed in their website and thats how they can see their numbers and this would be all good, however here are some problems we need you to resolve for us:

    1) Yes please enhance the selection box so site admin can easy search clients and less confusion on providing restrictions or accessibility to their customers.

    2) We can see that API permition functionality works we enable customers and API access become available for authorized customers but when we click on API tab when we logged in from those customers we can see a source code and we can not see anything else so our inspection ends here.

    3) We assume that on links API that are available on documentation page we should see something that you sent us on your screen shots in #11935 this is also cool BUT we need to see a sample page how all this API coding’s look in action so we know if customers put these API codlings on their websites how it looks in action how the numbers showcase look like.

    In other words voip site admins want to see how these APIs look alive and how the numbers will display on their page we can not see it and we can not access your API outputs. So it would be great if you took this API and add them on a page or two and we could see how (for example Great Numbers Inc) website page will be looking like with all these

    All Numbers
    Active Numbers
    Inventory Numbers

    As for now we can not see anything of above except site admin selection box which is confusing.
    So could you please rectify all above 1,2,3 so we can then test it all and close this job.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    thank you for your reply.

    I am currently making changes on Miscellaneous Setting page. So please do not make any changes on that page. After changes are complete i will update you.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    Your concern about the customer API, I have checked the API response and sent you the response.
    I am hoping that the person who is testing the API is familiar with API handling.

    Don’t worry i will do something in documentation that can make end user easier to understand.
    Below is a sample code which can be used to get the response.

    const formdata = new FormData();
    formdata.append(“name”, “webmakely”);

    const requestOptions = {
    method: “GET”,
    body: formdata,
    redirect: “follow”

    fetch(“https://portal.voip.us/api/get-pending-number?name=Webmaklay”, requestOptions)
    .then((response) => response.text())
    .then((result) => console.log(result))
    .catch((error) => console.error(error));

    NOTE: There is various method using which third party user can get the response and display as they wish to display on there own website. Currently the code i provided to you is “JavaAscript-Fetch” method.

    FYI: I am working on admin side Miscellaneous Settings , so there is nothing to be worried about any changes you noticed on this page.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for #11940 wont touch anything there until you’ve confirmed.
    For #11941 – yes please add your codes to customers documentation page so they’ve got full details about how to us it.
    Currently we can see that documents have got some links and they lead to voip source code.

    Also we do not worry about voip customers as it is their responsibility to get their developers to display their api on their website. What we want to see how this API works so it would be great if you could create a page where we can see what customers will see after they got their API and set it up on their page.

    We also need that demo page so we can probably plan some other tasks regarding API numbers showcase.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    There is nothing new to update you today. I am making the documentation on rough page. Once it completed, i will update you

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for #11944 it is all good please do what needful so we can test it properly.
    While changing docs please ensure it is clear and links not leading to the source code page, also please make a sample page so both site admin and customers can see what API customer is going to see on their web.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    Please check the documentation, I have an example for request and response.Give the feedback by checking yourself or by asking admin.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello NIshit thank you for your updates but unfortunately it does not work and still the same we can not even send it to site admin as they are wafting for finished work but there is nothing to test there, documentation is usefull when everything is working but we still can see sourse code and admin customer selection form also become even worse and only selects all customers:(

    Please see video here https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/API-not-working.mp4
    Please let us know if you can do the task or anything you could not understand from #11938

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    Do you people are familiar with API handling ? because you people are doing same mistake again and again. I said it is not web url it is API url. An api url doesn’t work like web url.In the documentation i informed you about how it will work, what is it’s required parameter and what is optional parameter.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thanks for your reply, when you ask us testing something after 2 weeks development we are looking at your document that you created and site admins can not see what they want to see. As a reminder that most of our customers are not developers and some old people and they want to see your work in action as we mentioned to you in #11938.

    Your document probably good piece of information for customers developers but we can not see a sample of your api display for non developers audience.

    If you want us to test something please kindly make sure it is simple and clear as described in #11938.
    Please let me know if you can not understand anything from what we want?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    please find #post-11951

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    Take a look on below provided video link.
    Before Permission to access API:
    [video src="https://portal.voip.us/public/temp/before-permission.webm" /]
    After Permission to access API:
    [video src="https://portal.voip.us/public/temp/after-permission.webm" /]

    I am hoping this 2 video will make you easy to understand that how you can test.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit thank you for your #11935
    your screen shots looks like display an API returns but we can not see it this – probably it requires special parameters to request this call and see what you have attached we understand that.

    What we want to see is – we do not need to see this coddings we want to see how actual numbers will be looking from that API we need a dummy display with numbers so site admin can check and confirm: -” Or i can see how numbers are looking for this customer” site admin not a developer and they are nor going to play with any parameters and codes it is their customers problem not the site admin.

    When site admin looks in your documentation it does not tell them that now task has complete they want to see how the actual numbers from Voip will be displaid on customers websites.

    Imagine if you are not developer and just an old person who does not undrestat coddings and all your parameters and then you ask developer to show how your code display a nice photo galery on your page and developer send you this:

    would you see an image there???? most likely you say that this does not work and i can not see any images but developer replies back to you and say: – “are you dummy ? just use this code and there will be an image” – So i hope you understand what i mean now so please make a page and show an image (your api work in action so customer could see the real numbers and understand how your API works in real life:)

    for this you can create an addtional page where customers and site admin could see how their numbers look on a life web and then they will start using your API by asking their developers to add this to their projects. Alternately you can add an illustration images of how numbers will be looking like on their web so it is all clear for all developers and dummys 😉

    Thank you for : “I will enhance the page user interface.”
    Please ask if any more questions we will be here for an other 15 mins.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    in your #11951 we could see videos and understand that this is for developers, but we still can not see how numbers will be displayed on the customers web page in real life?

    on this page https://portal.voip.us/user-home we can see how customers can see their numbers via API and how they can download their active numbers and other numbers

    please use the API on your website and show us how on your website customers can see all their numbers download them and display on their web

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    Please read #11835 andrey’s post. He asked me to make a documentation with simple instruction and i did so.

    NOTE: Please provide it’s login id and password (https://excellentnumbers.com/pages/Developers.html)

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