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  • Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    In addition to #11334

    It should show the list of DID numbers assigned to customer but which are not activated (no accounts). In the Telinta, they marked as DIDs (assigned to a customer).

    Also Nishit could you please add to the advanced search both options – Inventory numbers and Activated Numbers one of these options must be selected otherwise it is not correct.

    So far we checking and you are doing very good thank you for that!

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1217

    Hello Mark,

    Currently working on Data download functionality for active numbers.

    And for DID numbers search: Waiting for reply of #11342(For DID numbers) -> which fields will be use for the DID numbers listing on advance search?. Will you get any reply regarding this from client?

    All other tasks are related to the advance search so once all changes regarding the advance search complete then we can continue on other.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit for #11342 we understood that from API we can receive the following data for download button the information can be only downloaded that are selected by the customer.

    For example when customer opens up an advanced search the download button should not be at present and when customer submitted one’s request and the request displayed then download button comes up and customer can download only that information which has been generated / searched and found by the customer request.

    Please let us know if we missing something here.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1217

    Hello Mark,

    My question is about the data listing on website not for the download, the download functionality will work as you explain in previous messages.

    The response of Active numbers and DID numbers are not same so i want to clear which data will be listed on website ?

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit im pulling out some data from #11316 message below:
    a) Active numbers are – active ones.
    b) All numbers – all numbers
    c) Pending Numbers – That waiting Port in or purchased but waiting for activation so not active and not added to active numbers.
    d) Inventory Numbers are – DID numbers from Telinta , these are on clients but not activated and have no accounts and this why do not have pin codes. So customer can put pincodes on these numbers. Please remember that Pincodes can not be set on Telinta so pin code request for these numbers should go to Inteliquent.

    So according to the above Active Numbers and DID numbers are deferent.
    When customer clicks on Active numbers they should see only active numbers whereas when they click on inventory numbers they should see DID numbers from telinta that clients have as their numbers stock and thses are not activated and have no accounts and no pins.

    Please let me know if that make sense.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1217

    Hello Mark,

    I am just asking which data from DID numbers response(provided into #11342) which comes from Telinta will be use for create a table view on user-home page?

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    I would put all these data onto TN settings page so customer can manage and see each number detail. Also if you click on any number it drops down and display number details and parameters which should be displayed in these fields https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Fields.jpg.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    in addition to #11359 there are some customer fields but we can display your API responds in to these numbers tabs so they display correct number data. It is not necessary’s to collect all these data on the site apart from those that are in the numbers tabs.

    this screen just an example https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Fields.jpg. it could be same tab for API parameters.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit could we please have the download btn in this location?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1217

    This download button is currently for testing after completing of development it will be put on its place as #11362

    And for DID numbers table i am asking about main table area(https://ibb.co/47X7zrF).

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Oh i see thats good then for download dtn, and DID numbers table is right you are correct the numbers should be displayed there and other parameters in the drop down areas and tabs we’ve got a very compact tabs under each number you can use that area for positioning other information related to the customer ID numbers, Pins and ect.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1217

    FYI: we can not make advance search for All numbers tab. Because Active numbers and DID numbers works with two different API from telinta and it provides different data set so we can not manage the advance search for the ALL numbers tab.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Nishit Shan.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Nishit Shan.
    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1217

    And for Pending numbers : The Account numbers info is just provides us data fro active and inactive number account it is not provides us any type of data that show us any information about the portin status. Can you please put some light on this

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your message, it is very interesting to read your updates, for #11365 would you please advice what we can do in this case to make the job done we will address your thoughts to the seniors developer, but before please let us know what your can not do and we will discuss with team.

    For #11368 i would not worry about this too much we just only need that data that displayed on our site and this data should be correct.

    On both these points will discuss with with the ream and send more comments’ on that.
    Please let us know about progress.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit i hope you have had a great weekend,
    we have had a quick discussion with the site admins regarding some of your statements mentioned in #11365 and #11368 and we have got some replies from them that im going to list down below this message including some of the comments when we went trough the site functionality and observe what has been done so far:

    A. We noted that login session started take three times longer as it weas before could you please check that.

    B. Download button – not quite right as download button should be only appearing when the numbers at present if no numbers there should not be download button shown. For example i customer added 7777 in LINE filed and no any numbers appeared then no any download button should be visible.

    C. We also tried to test your download created button and it does generate a file but name of the file is not quite right too. When we downloaded a file it shows Numbers and Account Number. The file name should be – Inventory day,month,year,time (Inventory-10.Oct.2023)

    D. The downloaded file should contain all information that customer selected in Returns Values section. Please see Home Search task description the data should be relevant to the Return Values.

    E. In return values please add the following options: “State”, “Pin Code”, “Rate Centre” (in Telita Rate Centre = Description), “Routing To” = Call Forwarding (should be selected by default) but if client decides un select Routing To options they can do so – so when customer select any of these options it should be displayed and responds generated in the download file.

    F. Same for the numbers display window – please make sure that numbers header display only the information that customer selected in Return Values. Please see screen shot below: TN Status Selected and it shows in the window but Routing to option is not available in the Return Values but it also shows. So only selected options in Return Values should be reflected in the numbers display window. https://nanotel.app/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/NumbersDisplayHeader.jpg.

    G. In search please change “Port Out” field to “Port Out In”

    H. We no longer can see percentage loading bar could you please check or you still working on it?

    L. Yes we know that Inventory Numbers data on telinta is almost empty – you can take this data from Vendors (Peerless & Inteliquent) I think you have already got these data on both portin and port out table.

    M. We tried to login from Great Number Inc client and searched for all of their numbers on members home page. The search respond was 330 pages of and all pages were paged which is good. We clicked downland to generate all of the client’s numbers in to a file but in the downloaded file we could only see 17 numbers!. We know that you have not reported any task conmpletion so we can check but just letting you know that download data in file works incorrectly. Just to let you know.

    N. When we logged in we could see the source code error again https://nanotel.app/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/SourceCodeError10.jpg it seems that it still comming up ;(


    and finaly one very urgent issue reported – that site admin stooped receiving numbers notifications for some reason. I hope we did not break it while loaded any new files on the server. Just to kindly remind you that New Numbers notifications is very important function for Voip business and they warned us to be carefull with this so it works 24/7 24 hours per day but now it has stopped. The last notification come on 5th of October screen shot attached https://nanotel.app/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Numbers-Notifications.jpg and since then we no longer seining this notifications comming to the site admin email. Could you please check this and fix it asap.


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