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  • Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi NIshit thanks for your reply, and good news, that will be great if you can find the ways around that’s how we can finish this job. Please let us know if you stuck somewhere or need third part developer involvement.

    Looking forward hearing from you soon as we stuck with this job for a very long time.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    I made changes for the active numbers button. Please review it( Note : ignore loading image for now.).

    After this i will make changes regarding the all numbers page data fetch from API.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for this great news we are very excited about your updates and looking forward to check it and report this to the site admins. They are struggle for updates i hope they will be happy with that.
    Will check and get back to you asap.
    Have a great weekend and wish you to stay well!

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit i hope you have had a good weekend, just wondering if you got an EST about the rest of the comments we mentioned earlier: – TN Settings Page, PortOut Table, All numbers Tab and ect can we finish the job any soon?


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    I am working currently working on the All numbers page. and after that i will work on the TN setting page. And i will try to complete all this things by this weekend.

    I need clarification regarding the ‘All Numbers’ page: Will the activated numbers always correspond to the numbers in the DID (inventory)?

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, we appreciate that.
    As you know the number activation in #11471 become deferent once they got activated. And all other numbers are those that are in customer account as a bulk so All numbers should display all customer number.

    There should not be any problem with combining such information so customers can see all the numbers – especially if you know how to arrange active numbers.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    Thank you fro your reply.

    I think i explained my question wrong :

    I want to ask that we need to display all DIDs (Activated DID numbers + none activated DID numbers) into All numbers or activated numbers could be from out side of DID numbers ?

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello NIshit thank you for your message,
    in #11539 i guess we need to display all customer’s numbers, I think if customers need to buy more numbers we got that feature on the site (i hope it works)

    Also Nishit we can see your massage come late and we could not respond to your question and today we were expecting some more updates from you. Due to time differences from your question being posted late till now one day has passed.

    Please let us know if any more information needed we are here for about 2 more hours.
    Cheers 😉

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    I will add all DID numbers (Activated DID numbers + none activated DID numbers) All numbers and will manage it’s drop down as its status. if numbers is active then it has the activated numbers detail drop down and if it is inventory number then it will have the inventory numbers drop down.

    Will it ok ?


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit thanks for your message, yes we will need all numbers tabs working. Please do not forgets all other points with TN settings page, customers Port out table. This job is very much in delay. We need it done long time ago.
    Please finish it up and do not worry once this job and its tasks complete what ever we will need to adjust will add to other tasks.

    However please make sure all Custom Features task complete asap.
    We are closing here now will check everything in 24 hours.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit, havn’t heard any updates from you so we visited the project with site admin to see if you have done all numbers tab and here is what we found below:

    1) All number’s tab still not showing we clicked on that and progress bar loading up to 90% and then freezes.
    2) We visited inventory numbers and found that you still did not arrow icon as we show you on this immage https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/DropDown.jpg, also site admins do not like an arrow you add in the search header looks like triangle but they just need it looking same as number arrows but bigger size can you please change that. Please make all numbers have same arrows as on active numbers page.
    3) On active numbers page we could not change Pincode it does not allow us can you please fix it.
    4) TN settings page still not done. On same TN settings page we asked you to change the save button to back to portal linked to members home page.
    5) then we logged out and tried to login back and second logging session takes very looong time can you please check why it is so.
    6) Portout table still not done.
    7) we searched numbers and when search found we could not find download button again. Please double check that download button is showing up on all the numbers tabs after customer searched their numbers.

    Looking forward for your updates soon.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Please find post number #11545

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    Here are some update for #11544.

    1) I am working on this All Number’s tab so this code is not working for now and it will freeze.
    2) I inserted the arrow on page heading for inventory numbers and active numbers tab(https://ibb.co/mS0g6yr). And for arrow for each Numbers i will add that.
    3) I will check that
    4) As i updated into past comment we are working on this section, And for back button to user home : we need to replace the save button with it or need to add another button?
    5) I will check that
    6) for Port-out table : user need to search the numbers with its numbers or the order numbers(https://ibb.co/VwJ8WbD).
    7) i will check that.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your updates,
    all points good we got it as it is not complete and wait when you done.

    for #11545 2) As mentioned site admin do not like that arrow which looks as triangle please make it same as numbers > but bigger size.
    6) will check that but would you please add instruction text how customer should search for record as clients do not know how to (


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    Working on the Number setting page.

    I will set instruction text for the port-out page.


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