Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Upgrades 23

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  • Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Oh i see thank you Nishit for quick reply! Sure take your time with for #10582.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit i hope you have had a wonderful weekend!

    Would you please aslo updated us on these tasks once finished with #10582

    Voip Account Numbers –
    Voip Links –
    Numbers Display –

    For #10583 you were right with this we have contacted our Telinta developer and he has confirmed their upgrades with Telinta OS. On this note can we ask you a question:

    If this is the case and Telina or other Provider down and our notifications sent us a data base error messages – would you be able to make a condition for such notifications once external connections failed Data Base notifications comes with error details like ; External Provider is not accessible and {TIME} which after notifications wont be sent to the site admin until external connection has been reestablished again.

    If so we will send this additional task to both Tech & Finance for confirmation and add this as an addition task to current job?


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230


    I made made changes for user & admin notification to separate pincode and callforwarding change notification.

    Update on tasks :
    Voip Account Numbers : For this i asked you for account and you gave me the account name “Mikhail Tumasov”.
    This account got some errors so i made changes regarding that.
    Voip Links:
    a) i check the customer page and found this links are not working (https://portal.voip.us/public/image/temp/UserHomePage.png). Is there any page available on website for this links?
    b) Asked query for it to the client.

    Numbers Display :
    Changes has been made to display total DID count as mentioned into task.


    For API Error mail:
    Yes, We can make it and but this process may take some time to develop.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your updates,
    for – I made made changes for user & admin notification to separate pincode and callforwarding – thank you
    for Voip Account Numbers it would be good to check some other customers so they all loading well.
    for Voip links – yes you are right we will be developing some pages for these links we just prioritizing further tasks will get back to you on this.
    for b) Asked query for it to the client – we are contacting Telinta team regarding API connectivity improvement.

    Numbers Display : thank you we can see all numbers just a question if active numbers connected too?

    For API Error mail: we will prioritize some tasks and get back to you.

    Also Nishit would you please advice if you have removed all backup files from the Voip directory?

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit call forwarding notification tested looking good thank you!
    Would you please try to test if autopurcase notification coming as well as it is very important?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230


    For, #10589 :

    Numbers Display : thank you we can see all numbers just a question if active numbers connected too?
    Answer : Honestly, I did not get your question but, It displays DID inventory numbers count.

    For #10590 : i checked the log file for auto numbers purchase and my found is script can not find the numbers related to numbers purchase rule. Please update peerless and intelligent credentials on office page.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Yes, I removed all my backup files from server

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit, thank you for your reply,

    for numbers display if you can see all numbers and there is an other tab on voip customers home portal that also show active numbers and it shows “0” on all accounts – did you API connected that parameter?

    For #10590 – we have just checked your office page and found that Telinta credentals adminwebmaklay are valid and working, please find the intelligent updated credentials below telinta on your office page. Your Inteligent new pass starts with Nish…..

    Please feel free to login to any of the portal and find a number and create an autopurchase rule to see if it autopurcase the number and send you autopurase notification.

    Please check these and othre comments above if all works we will send this job to finince.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    For #10600 – thank you!

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Mark,

    Have a question for number’s display :

    Is “Active numbers” = Assigned Numbers count & All Numbers = DID inventory count?
    All numbers have connection with Api. But Active numbers just displays static 0.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Oh i see thats fine Nishit if Active numbers display 0 then do not worry about it.
    Please let us make sure that autopurchase notifications coming trough and working.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Mark,

    I Could not post my answer on wabmakly so i sent a mail to Andrey. Now I can post it. So update Andrey to ignore that mail.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Nishit Shan.
    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    My message :

    Hello Mark;

    I tried to purchase this bellow numbers though auto purchase script. And I found that there is an error because of the API response. The API response with the status code – 200 which is good, and it indicates order is placed on API, But it did not provide order ID for that order. And it does not provide any further message for this.

    7797063808 – Got notification for this number.

    Now notification is for auto purchase is up now.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit for #10605 sorry for incontinence i guess they will respond on tomorrow as im here late shift for you. I have also checked firewall and tried to add your record to allowlist it should be now working well.

    For #10606 not quite understood that it responds you with error but notification is for auto purchase is working now?
    It will be greatif it is which means i could send this job to finance.

    Are you going to test more autopurchase notifications if it is 100% working before we report it fixed?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230


    For Auto purchase can you please check this numbers order on intelligent for me? because, I am not aware of intelligent UI.

    For auto purchase notification :- It sends notification mail while the api script can search numbers from api and it get response code 200 for that numbers purchase.

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