Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Upgrades 23

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  • Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Support topics

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit how is all going there?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    All are good here,

    Our management is concerned about the task “Voip – Latest PHP” budget.
    It may take at least 9-10 working days to upgrade the Larvel version and resolve any issues that arise after upgrading the Laravel version and plugins.
    As a result, management believed that the budget amount was insufficient in comparison to the effort.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your message. We have also discussed about this task with our developers and finance and here is what we can do below:

    Have you tried changing PHP V upgrade yet as it may be just a few touchups to adjust so the project run on latest PHP V. If you haven’t tried switching PHP versions then how do you calculate your 9-10 working days then.

    If the PHP version switches with minor misconfigurations the company will increase you budget for this task.
    Please let us know.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello All,

    I gave this time with the reference of the EN upgrade time, because of that i gave this time wrote minimum 9-10 working days.
    I tried to change PHP version on the “portal.voip.us” to check what will it effects on site. The whole site crashed because of version change. So, I restored the current version of PHP back.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit we have just checked new version and it looks you just need to adopt these parameters below:

    Deprecated: Method ReflectionParameter::getClass() is deprecated in /home/voipus/portal.voip.us/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php on line 855

    Deprecated: Method ReflectionParameter::getClass() is deprecated in /home/voipus/portal.voip.us/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php on line 929

    Deprecated: Method ReflectionParameter::getClass() is deprecated in /home/voipus/portal.voip.us/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php on line 855

    Deprecated: Method ReflectionParameter::getClass() is deprecated in /home/voipus/portal.voip.us/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php on line 92

    Could you please configure these above and we try again.
    We have no swiched to the previous version.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    We are closing now will catch up with you tomorrow our time to illuminate our further steps.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244


    After changing from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8, you received some errors. This is because only specific versions of Laravel (6, 7, and 8) support PHP 8, but Voip is currently running on Laravel 5.8.

    I searched for information about this error on the internet (https://stackoverflow.com/a/65218632) and also checked the lines that were mentioned in the error. The code appears to be dynamic.

    Therefore, my conclusion is that we also need to upgrade the Laravel version and possibly some plugins as well.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your review, it sounds that we would need to upgrade Lavarel too.
    I have already sent funds request for this task. So would suggest you to start all needful to make the project operational with PHP v8.

    Will be increasing PHP v Upgrade budget and adding Lavarel Upgrade task.
    If you’ve got any better cost and time effective ideas we would like to hear from you.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244


    There is no other solution of it.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your message but we can not see any updates on what have you done so far towards #10459?
    Have you started any work yet?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244

    Hello Mark,

    I am doing the upgrade process on my local system. To avoid the issue in live setup.

    And to do this directly in live site I also need the terminal access of the portal.voip.us


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit, well done right way to upgrade it, sorry we a bit delay with budget updates awaiting confirmation from finance. Will get back to you soon.


    Jeff Simpson
    Post count: 37

    Good day team,
    Mark, Nishit sorry for delay with the financial outcome,
    we have now updated your page and added extra task to current VU23.
    Happy codding.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1244


    Setup on local has been done. With multipal php system.

    Have one question :

    On which php version(8.0 or 8.1) do you want to run server for portal.voip.com ?


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