Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repairs 23

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  • Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Thanks Jeff, Andrey will try to combine it probably let Nishit see the advanced search sketch in Custom Features job the video would be great so it is clear for Nishit.

    PS Hey Jeff the site is glitching did you finished with updates?

    Jeff Simpson
    Post count: 37

    yep sorry team all complete now.

    Post count: 237

    Hi Nishit , Mark please find this video link attched, it should clearly help with port in job, i guess i should have get in touch with voip team faster so you not guesing what to do.

    Here is the video below:

    and here is the custom features job link below please Nishit read “advanced search” drop down window section for your portin form numbers eligibility. If you can do diffrent drop down window better that on the custome features advanced search task please feel free do do so.

    Mark can you please stay back for a bit more just in case Nishit has more questions and also please send these issues voip team talked this aftrenoon.
    Kind regards Andrey

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hey Andrey thanks for the video i hope it helps, sure will be here for some more time so please Nishit let us know if any questions.
    AS per for customers complains here are some comments below:

    On Customer setings page in addition to #11050 there is a button BACK TO PORTAL please change the link of it so it goes to the portal https://portal.voip.us/user-home not home page as it is now.

    When we click on TN Settings page it loads very slow even for the customers with a few numbers. And those with large amount of numbers the numbers drop down does not show all numbers in dropdown screen shot below:
    As a suggestion there maybe better to ask customer what number can they edit before loading TN settings page please advice if you can upgrade that we will contact Jeff and finince.

    On Subscriber page it should be “Back” button instead of “Cancel” https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Subscriber.jpg and it shoudl lead to the members https://portal.voip.us/user-home

    there are some more issues on othre page but will add them later.
    Please Nishit leet us know if any questions on video or our comments and issues sent to you erlier i will wait for your confirmation if it is all clear to you.

    Thanks Jeff for #11075

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Mark Hanson.
    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Mark,

    For #11082: Means Have to create functionality with use of peerless API instead of Inteliquent Api? And if yes then can you provide a new video with detail about peerless?

    For #11077 : As shown in video After Clicking on submit Port in link it will load the view same as shown in video for port in request generation?

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello NIshit thanks for your questions, to be honest we are not clear what else you need to make it working on the video it shows the process how site admin request portin requets on Peerless, the port out table is already done so just need to do same thing for port in as it shown on the video.

    For #11082 according to the video when customer clicks on submit port out there should be drop down window opening in the midlle of the members home page with the fileds that customer needs to fillout to sent request for porting. Once submited customers can see their portin requests in the portin page (same as you already did)


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Mark,

    Thanks for your reply.

    As Video is for inteliquent.

    Is the customer can add any number in port-in request or it it only can add from his/her ordered numbers ?

    as peerless functionality it does not provide any checking functionality for numbers that can tell us the number is portable or not. Then it will be direct request for peerless?

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit i have just run to Andrey and he said the video made from Inteliquent so there may be some confusion going on with #11082

    Please let us know if any quesions

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit yes i have confirmed one more time please disregard my #11082 message as it is incorrect, appologies about that. Please use inteliquent portal API.
    I hope it is now clear please let us know if any more questions.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Mark Hanson.
    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello every one as discussed, the message #11082 has been delited from this forum as it contains incorrect instructions for developer.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Mark,

    No problem for that.

    I want to clear my one confusion that

    Is the customer can add any number in port-in request or it it only can add from his/her ordered numbers ?

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit customer can add any numbers for port in request uplaod it from the file or put them comma “,” separeted or list them. Once port in request submited as per video it will show to the customer whcih numbers are eligible for porting and which are not, so customer can procees only eligible porting numbers and continiew filling out their names, and othre data shown on the video.

    Once request submited customer can see this process/ status in the port in table. You can get this data from inteliquent portal too as porting request also genirated on inteliquent and inteliquent provides the port number so please let us keep this number same on voip.

    Please let us know if any questions.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit how are you, we are closing as usual today, so just adding some more messages for you for today’s work,
    in addtion to your #11085:

    – Is the customer can add any number in port-in request or it it only can add from his/her ordered numbers ?
    = Port in – means bring any eligible number to our system. So if the number is already in our system it won’t be eligible to port in since it is already there.
    The reason why we add this option is only to let potential customers to use their numbers which they have with different carriers in our system. That’s why they will be able to bring their numbers to us.

    !“My numbers” – in our portal means that these numbers are already in our system and they cannot be ported in ofcouse.

    Aslo just reminding you those commenst about settings page, TN settings and othre issues please let us know if you have fixed them.

    Just to let you know since we PortIn job partialy combined with the next job Custom Features (we adding a sliding on click window in the middle column of members home page) we had a meeting with finince and as instructed we have incread this task budget and updated your page. Just one suggestion if you could please make this window looking nicely.

    Will check your updates later next day.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Mark,

    For Portin :
    I made setup for Checking number porting availability.

    For Settings page : I made some changes regarding the setting page.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit, i hope you have had a great weekend, thank you for your updates, yes we monitor the progress and saw the popup window you made while clicking on Submi Port in, it is looking good so far we are glad you got the point so now we wait for the next stage when you input some more content on that window fileds and numbers input, also how the functionality works and ect. Thank you for that Nishit it is all good so far but we need to make it functioning as soon as possible.

    There are plenty tasks to do and we can not release them all as this Port in holds all the further plans.
    Just a tip Nishit – when customer clicks on port in and goes to a porting window slide/popup please do not forget to add an escape buttom if customer change their mind and want to go back to the numbers view page. On Advance Search task you can see our idea was to creaet a slide down window when customer can go to the search area (in your case portin widow) but there is a wrap up icon too so customers can return back to the numbers only view. In your design it is still ok if your window opens diffrently but please keep in mind the escape/ exit button for the customers flexability.

    For setting page it is looking better now, thank you for that. Please also check some comments regarding TN settings page too as site admins wating for it to be fixed as well.

    Please keep us updated we are trying to start late and staying back for support if you have any question or suggestions.


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