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Hello NIshit have you started this job yet? As we can not login to some of the areas as it showing source code?
CheersHello Mark,
Sorry For the late reply
Yes, I started the changes on VOIP portal.
Hello Mark,
Here are the update and some query for the given task.
Voip Number Purchasing:
a) I made changes for this error.
b) Please tell Me on which page loading is slow. so i can check that page.
c) I added a button for “Buy more numbers”. Please check it.Voip – Links Repair
Phone Numbers Tab:
for Inventory Numbers : i can not understand it which numbers will display here. Do you mean (DID numbers – Active numbers = Inventory Numbers)? And what is the value for Inventory Numbers?Settings Tab
Account Settings – There was no code created for this Page. This might be separate task for it. And please update which fields will be part of this?
Login Settings – I made changes for this please review it. New Password for user – Webmaklay is => y!V3a%D8Spelling -Footer –
Spelling – Changes has been made for this.
Footer – In progress-
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
Nishit Shan.
Hello Mark,
To make the link in #10918 work, please remove “”” from it.
Hello Nishit, thank you for your message and updates,
Voip Number Purchasing:
a) I made changes for this error – were you able to investigate this why it has been hapening very often and have you fixed that so it is not going to be occured again?
b) Please tell Me on which page loading is slow. so i can check that page. – mostly on those pages clinets have got multiple numbers and it is being loaded slow. We belive the script feathes huge amount of a customer numbers that are loaded at once and we think if it is possible to make the loading partialy but fast so customer can see the numbers loading numbers apearing stright after one visited his page and all othre numbers/pages keep loading up.
c) I added a button for “Buy more numbers”. Please check it. – For button could you please make a hovering effect so button got sinked once the mouse of tap of it?
Settings Tab
Account Settings – please bring all the possible parameters from the source page via API so clinet will be able to work on his account settings trough voip portal. I have also requested more details from the site admin and update you with more details. If no codding on that will send more details to finince to increase your labour hours.Login Settings – I made changes for this please review it. New Password for user – Webmaklay is => y!V3a%D8
Spelling – Changes has been made for this – thank you
Footer – for #10918 – yesCheers
in addition to #10920
Voip – Links Repair
Phone Numbers Tab:
for Inventory Numbers : i can not understand it which numbers will display here. Do you mean (DID numbers – Active numbers = Inventory Numbers)? And what is the value for Inventory Numbers?—-All numbers should be all numbers incuding Active numbers and active numbers = ONLY active numbers.
Voip Number Purchasing:
b) https://portal.voip.us/user-home – user Great Number inc.
cheersFor #10921 :
Phone Numbers Tab:
Pending Numbers = What is the value for pending Numbers? I forgot it to ask it in previous comment. Sorry for that.Thanks
Hello Nishit, it is all good for #10922 – pending numbers it will be a later job numbers portout when we would need to create a port out funcion and thats when we use Pending numbers tab. SO at this stage let is configure both all numbers and active numbers and later we will guide you with the rest.
For #10921 :
Voip Number Purchasing:
This loadning is depends on API response, currently the script is fetching only max 10 numbers form API. And it is fetching numbers Form API for selected page. The API is responding slow while user have large amount of numbers.i am checking it if any issue found from our Script side i will Make changes regarding it.
Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, we have recived some more comments regarding slow loading,
Transcript starts —————–
Eduard Tkachenko- could not login as it is very slow, i could login from second attempt
Jolly Loxon – could you please provide more details on your login issues, the page your trying to login from, browser etc.
Eduard Tkachenko – im logining from my account as a user, ncognito tab, google chrome.
Jolly Loxon – thank you will sent your request for investigation.
Transcript ends —————–for Settings Tab – it is very strange we should have some coddings done on that page could you please double check.
for #10924 – please let us know how we can speed up the process.Please keep us updated about any completed tasks so we will report for checking.
CheersHello Mark,
Sorry for late reply,
for Settings Tab – it is very strange we should have some coddings done on that page could you please double check.
I checked it on controller side and view file also,I could not find any extra code regarding the Account setting tab and i also check it in to My Oldest backup(19-April-2022), Both code have same code.for #10924 – please let us know how we can speed up the process.
I made changes into API code of DID total count and it will work as we expected.For Eduard Tkachenko login issue :-
I tried to login Eduard Tkachenko account from admin side and I set my network on slow 3G and it is working fine.and please also check Phone Numbers side bar on user side, if any changes in numbers counts please update me.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
Nishit Shan.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
Nishit Shan.
Hello Nishit thank you for your updates,
we will check your updates and as per speed up loading:would you please make the page loading first and numbers list lolading aftre so the customers can see that page is loaded and numbers are underway as it is on many othre sites with large data featching?
for Settings Tab – please bring setting paremeters from the source portal to the voip setting page – will congtact finince to add more funds.
Hello Mark,
The home numbers list is working like you explained it loads page content first and it loads numbers list and count after page content is loaded.
For Setting page which parameters will be display on the Account setting page. The APi gives bunch of information of user account.
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by
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