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  • Andrey
    Post count: 158

    Hello Nishit thank you for your message, well i’ve started thinking maybe they not understood your question? I will try to get it touch with site administration about possible job closure if support not reply.

    Post count: 158

    Hello Nishit is there any updates?

    Post count: 158

    Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, thats all good while we wating could you please check duplicating issue mentioned earlier and API calls reductions unless you have already fixed that..

    Kind regards Andrey πŸ˜‰

    Post count: 158

    Hello Nishit how is all going any news from support and other repairs?
    Could you please also let me know if you can work December in case if you planning any holidays?
    Kind regards Andrey

    Post count: 158

    Good catch Nishit hoping the answer will come soon and we can finish this job!
    Thank you!

    Post count: 158

    Hello Nishit how is all going any updates,
    i have spoken with admin they suggest us the following.

    There is a parameter in Inteliquent saying : Is the number wireless and by default it may stay as NO but we may need to change it as YES. this one you can try as we still not getting any numbers from NanoTel – Wirelss.

    How about API calls have you counted how many API calls we sent from both sites any othre thoughts how we can reduce API calls?

    Also have you changed on a duplicate issue?
    Kind regards Andrey

    Post count: 158

    We know that there are numbers realeased there and you can see it from Inteliquent and see the numbers but our system not capturing them. If you think your code tag different format you can see on Inteliquent and sand box how the numbers look like. If in doubt you can text them on support i will ask administration too how the phone format suppose to look like.

    Can you please also count how many API calls being sent per sec or min from both Voip and NAnoTel we will check with Inteliquent as well

    Post count: 158

    Hi Nishit NanoTel- Wirelss – does not work the numbers not being captured can you please advice why it is not working?

    For NanoTel API calls can you please cound how many API calls come from both Voip and NanoTell, probably 12 calls per sec comes from both projects.

    Post count: 158

    Hello Nishit we have tested your work,
    and aslo asked Ineliquent lady to check API calls for us and as she confirmed the API calls have not been reduced please read her email attached: –

    Also we tested NanoTel- Wirelss and added 5555 and 6666 as we seen them on Wirelss data base but NanoTel – Wirelss not being downloaded it for some reason.
    Can you please check and fix it?

    Kind regards Andrey

    Post count: 158

    ok thank you Noshit will test it with admin, i hope we wont loose numbers on NanoTel

    Post count: 158

    πŸ™‚ come on Nishit you are not dumb you are good professional :)!

    Post count: 158

    Hello Nishit we have created an API for this site and it is Nano_crms please use that as life. Please let me know if you have done anything from #13129 and #13132.

    Kind regards Andrey πŸ™‚

    Post count: 158

    Hello Nishit there should be Nano_crms

    Post count: 158

    Hello Nishit thank you for your reply, i have had an other discussion with the team from Voip administration and i think i could assured them that you are doing great job. There was a huge problem for them of loosing numbers from telecommunicators and you could resolve this issue at your best performance and now NanoTel gets desired numbers in a good order.

    You have done a great work Nishit we just need to find a gold middle between these two issues one of them resolved and team getting good numbers and all of us appreciate that brilliant work you did. This issue arrived from Inteliquent they can see that numbers being taken but they do not want so many API calls from our account as and we need to accept their arguments and satisfy their request without losing our numbers purchasing benefits.

    So voip administration have more trust in your and allowed us to turn NanoTel- Wirelss work turn on to life production mode. So you can now please change NanoTel-Wirelss job to live but please be carefull it captures numbers not too aggressive and please make sure that there is no any potentials of purcasing unwanted numbers as it will cause a HUGE problems for the site admins as Wirelss numbers are very expensive to pay for junk numbers and plus can be big conflict between our customers and telecomunicators. We do not need it to be happends as it will affect our development and servicing tasks.

    So long story short:

    A. please check all this API issues so we can resolve them as it complained in here

    B. Please check that there is no notification duplicating scenarios happening as i mentioned to you in #13129 clause 3.

    C. Please check that when customer does any changes on voip or nanotel and saves any rules it does saves properly and if we reload the page it still works and saves. Also notification popups when edding or rule creatiion done the message comes up The notification has been saved succesfuly! Customers very nervious when they click save and nothing happening.

    For me,
    i will ask site admins to check NanoTel- Wirelss job and get all funds released so we can start checking Portout changes and pay for all jobs and go ahead!

    Have a great weekend.
    Kind regards Andrey

    Post count: 158

    Hello Nishit, we have had a loong catch up with project administrations and they declined our offer to switch NanoTel-Wireless on life.

    The reasons for that are:
    1. We have recived an othre email from Inteliquent you can read this here:
    2. Voip team have been trying to reduce API calls by to changing some chron timings on voip and nanotel. When they change rules on voip and change 6 hours to 12 hours then click SAVE – firstly they can not see any popup message saying changes saved and secondly the rule timing change does not work. We can see that 6 hours changed to 12 but when we refresh the page it shows back 6 hours and this functionality does not work we must to fix it asap as this directly affecting all Inteliquent API calls on NanoTel and we could not reduce API calls as i mentioned in 1).
    3. The worse case scenario we noted that when we change anything on voip timing or remove unwanted rules these automaticly creating a rule on NanoTel portal. So what ever work we have done on Voip now you can open NanoTel Notification Rules and see more rules auto generated on NanoTel. We had only few rules on NanoTel for auto purcase and now if you open NanoTel portal you will see almost two pages of unwanted rules because this system bug.

    We belive that beause of this it sends more and more requests to Inteliquent and Voip administration worring very much that Intyeliquent will ban them for these bit errors.

    Nishit i have spoken with some developers they say that there are too many script copining between Voip and Nanotel which is why system cross multiply and cross duplicate all rules between Voip and NanoTel, this is very risky and we having problems now with Inteliquent.

    Please fix it all ASAP it is very serious and also check NanoTel Whirelss if anything similar codded on it before e have got permission to go ahead and continue with this job.
    Kind regards Andrey

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