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in reply to: Voip Optimisation #9986
Hello team thank you for following up,
Nishit in addition to #9985 – just letting you know that we are not cancelling 5) task and budget even though “Area Codes Bulk Management” is already outdated task due to very huge delay with its development we actually not really need it now as is an upgraded task for Area Codes Bulk Management.
However we keep all budget for you and hoping that you implement this job ASAP with no delays. Hoping on your cooperation.
Kind regards Andrey 😉
in reply to: Voip Optimisation #9901by the way i have seen it somewhere on this forum Mark already advised to help you out with notification emails –
for single rule or bulk area codes it would be easy to create two folders with email templates; one for single rule “S” and second for bulk area code’s rule “B” then you can add additional condition such as “All Numbers” and so once “All Numbers” condition selected the notification templates goes from B folder and if we specified numbers “end with” or “begin with” then “S” folder notifications being sent out.
Meanwhile please Turn on the notification emails ASAP
and why this still not working?
Thank you-
This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by
in reply to: Voip Optimisation #9899Hi Mark Nishit thank you for following up with the job,
Nishit can you please turn on notification emials on ASAP we’ve got ppl calling us and complaining, this was a main condition for this job so notification messages work 24/7 see below you!
in reply to: Voip Optimisation #9873Thank you Mark, Nishit,
Nishit with this new area codes and unspecified numbers, we are thinking about new task that we would like to add but need to find if you can do it,When we set up a new area code notification rule for example 212 area code and when numbers filed is blank, then system searches any number that comes under new 212 area code.
So as Mark mentioned it can be 1000 numbers and notification comes saying about 1000 new numbers and we can click and view these numbers or preview it somehow BUT
are we able to make the system automatically reserve and even buy some “easy to remember” of them for example reserve and buy all numbers that end with 5555 or 8888 and so on.
Aer your able to do it? Please let us know if you can we add the job and budget for that task.
We need this function so we wont miss those numbers that released at night time for example and someone else purchase them. I think we have got that option working already (developer for inteligent) but we need it for PeerLess.
Could you please advice.,Thank you!
in reply to: Voip Optimisation #9823Good day Nishit, Mark, thank you Mark for perfect explanation, in fact for 9821 c) we are looking forward when we could tune our project apps as we want to gradually move to that platform so could expand our businessship with Siliconinfo company as well.
We are planning to combine this portal with Friends business members and store all the jobs there, if one developer got overloaded with the jobs an other developer can step in and take the other project developing. This will increase overall yearly Siliconinfo revenue plus we can improve our communication chain such as voice messaging, documents sharing, payments improvements, stats, charts and etc.
So hoping will do everything in a time.
Kind regards Andreyin reply to: Voip Optimisation #9759Hi Mark, Nishit yes the vendors are Intelegent and Peerless and customers on Telinta.
to check if the search finding Vanity numbers it is easy, see available vanity numbers on Peerless and Intelegent.Here is one screen shot below California has got numbers of HOME vanity numbers so if the Voip search not finding them it is not working:) You
in reply to: Voip Optimisation #9725Hello Nishit yes this is one of our EN resellers’ developer they order numbers from EN using our API library, apparently they wanna know what is our product ID i guess it is our SKU so if you can advice.
Thank youin reply to: Voip Optimisation #9718Hello Nishit we know you working on Voip now but one of our EN customers developer trying to set up an API on their website and they asking us this question: –
Can you please help them with your answer?
Kind regards Andreyin reply to: Accounts Management #9611Hello team, is there any updates about editing coupon codes?
Kind regards A:)in reply to: Vendors Search #9584Hello Mark, Nishit thank you for your adaptation work,
I think we forgot to mention somthing that Telinta token job is also got broken after PHPV files migration.If you remember the Telinta token task has been done for such a cases if we face any issues with Telinta password, if it gets changed ,forgotten or anything else. So when you guys checking #9578 b) please check Telinta token as well.
After Telinta token task job done i think we should not have any Telinta – EN API connections issues am i right?
We need to fix it asap as customers numbers activations list is building up.
Thank you 😉in reply to: Vendors Search #9551Hello Mark, Nishit thank you for following up with all the tasks,
Hi Mark – as i can see the API work flow has a defect there should not be any order generated on EN IF customer has got no credit with EN can you please add a task to this job with adding extra funds for API modification as we discussed.Hi Nishit thank you for #9544 it is all good except: ” if the store credit is not available then it creates order with ‘Awaiting Payment’” can we please modify this to If the store credit is not available the system rejects the order with the kind message: You have got not enough store credit to proceed please top up your store credit and try again.
– for top up link to the EN top up page.
For latest V# upgrade hopefully it will work on EN please let us know when you done with this so we will check from our end too.PIN CODE PICKUP
There is an other issue with creating manual orders for some reason some site admins can not detect a pincode upon orders creation. Probably while using mobile site could you please double check, will request video from them so we can investigate.Thank You
in reply to: Vendors Search #9540Good day team, yes the #9538 is quite surprising information Nishit could you please double check and let us know more details,
for old template invoices via API just remanding the work flow; –
all the resellers that download and use our API library should track our numbers from our EN site and if number available their customers buying it from their projects and this API orders come to us – EN.
However, very important – if reseller does not have a credit with EN such orders should be declined at their earliest stage without generating any orders or orders without numbers etc.I hope there is a message saying you got not enough credit with EN to proceed.
So could you please check this API work flow Nishit if it is as above.
As per old template – for all the API orders, could you please use our newly styled template instead.Please let us know if anything new on this so we can discuss with finance to add more funds we need it all work smooth before we go to the new jobs.
Thank You 🙂
in reply to: Vendors Search #6867Good day team,
Sorry Nishit for delay with our response sometime ( time difference 🙁
for Coupon Code Selection : Every time when we create a manual order we have to do multiple extra steps going to our coupon code page, finding this client for whom we create a manual order then copy this coupon code and paste it to the manual order coupon code field.
What we want here so you can link some data of our coupon orders database to manual orders creation process. In particular we need you to link a customer from the coupon code page to manual order creation page.For example, I would link our coupon code client name to the step when we search and pick exciting customer from the list during our manual order creation process. So by the time when we come to the stage when finalizing our manual order process and need to assign its client coupon code into our coupon code field the system already keep that data and on click this particular client coupon code being input in one click at the end.
i hope it makes sense for you, so no need to create any pages or re do anything just a few lines of codes so the system picks clients’ coupon code at one click.
Please let us know if you have any questions on this.As per #6856 multiple vendors numbers fetching we are currently consulting with our vendors tech team (Peerless in particular ) to allow us access to all of their numbers DB so when our clients request any numbers the system connects to all available vendors DB (in this case intelligent and Peerless) and provide all the matching combinations available.
If you have any better ideas on this logic functionality that will not overload our work flow and machine resources, please do not hesitate to contact us which will be highly appreciated.
Kind regards Andrey
in reply to: Vendors Search #6818Hello team, thank you for updates, it is great seeing the project comes to its end,
for #6805 – do not worry about Ported In numbers we do not have them at this stage it is when clients connect their numbers to us so there is no orders for Ported in now.
for IN**** EN inventory Nishti can you please leave default color as it was before we used to this color and we know when it is default EN inventory and it is good if it will be as it was before which is white.
a) On CLEC page there are two blocks in the center of the page 1st on is CLEC inventory search and 2nd Search Result so the second block should be only visible on the page when client requested some numbers and then this block with the search result should be appearing on CLEC page with client’s search results. When site users landing on the page there should be only 1 block visible until any search requested.
b) On CLEC Search page please change wording: Number of Record to Quantity for both title and place holder. “Phone Number” please change to “First Three Digits” and next field “Last Four Digits” so it make sense.
c) we tried to test by searching 6666 number, Florida, 100 then clicked search no loading gif in the top of the page we saw a error message in a horrible looking popup found nothing working in here – please advice if it is early for testing? If so please do not forget loading gif, nicely framed popups in the center of the page not at the top and working search.
d) it seems when we search 4 digits number 8888 we can see “c)” scenario we need to find the way how we can find request such numbers with last for 8888 if it is hard to do search with four digits then please think about adding a “*” in front if 888 so the request goes *888 and customer gets a numbers of options with last 8888.
d.2) On selected numbers table there should be clickable “x” instead of Remove as it is shown on the sketch. when “x” clicked then number removed.
e) we tried to pick one number from search then clicked CONFIRM the pop up message appears saying “Please select shipping address” please change it to “Please select an activation info” we selected an option from the right hand side and clicked confirmed then after sometime successful page come up. Please put loading globe and message processing everywhere when customers click any button to avoid confusion and testing failures.
f) when order generated there is a wording “My Orders” ; Pending please change “My Orders” to “Status”. Also on the same page we selected activation info but it was not showing on this page please ensure it shows here.
for #6776
c) Done – Nishit could you please make the font of the numbers big enough to fit in a row please check on laptop.for #6775
g) we have refund some money to a client on 6th of August and client request dated on 26 July. When we complete refund on Refund Details next to refunded date it shows the date when refund has been initiated bit not the time when it has been requested. Therefore the Refund Details the time for refunded time should be 6th of August not 26th of July. Could you please fix it.
We tried to search some numbers and found one number say 210 222 8881 then we clicked that and this number moved to Selected table which is al correct. Then we assumed situation when customer changed his mind and removed this number but this number did not come back to available table.
Then we checked intelligent reserved numbers this number was not there and then we tried to search this number on intelligent DB and we could not find it. The question is do you know where this number gone and how it all works?
it looks very good team it takes a bit more time for completion but hoping you guys can finish this this week.Kind regards Andrey
in reply to: Vendors Search #6715Good morning Mark, Nishit, thanks for following up with the Client ID task,
since the client still can not use this task bit we reporting to them that it works it is getting a problem now.
We need to urgently resolve this issue it is not a professional approach saying that it works when it is not.Also very important when we working on developing we work on site improvements and project enhance ability bit not other way around we must not break anything what’s been working for a long time and tasks/ job paid for.
When customer paying for work they assume it has been done and working, but if it worked and then broken it is worse that first issue. Could we please make our outcome work looking more perfectional whether it is reporting completion or quality of work.
It is morning here but we are already getting a lot of complains and messages about Pin codes not being displayed for customers. I have looked at the developing logs and topics discussed from #6695 , #6698, #6700, #6701, #6705 a) and it still does not work and people can not use properly.
I ,m just trying to understand why it is so complicated to set up – all the pincodes should be AWAYS visible for all the parties UNLESS admin removed the pin code and it should be displayed neither “0” nor “XXX could you please reply asap if any problems/ difficulties here or misunderstanding. We must fix it asap.
So on developing on task we getting more and more problems and now there are two issues that are come up and we must fixe asap:
1) Pin codes
2) Numbers Activation for non Telinta users.Please let me know if any difficulties.
Kind regards Andrey -
This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by