Forum Replies Created
in reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13596
Hello Nishit we have closed this job now and updated yuur page!
Thank youin reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13591Hi Nishit we have added an othre job for you so you have got two jobs to start now.
I think it is good to start EN job before VP one but it is up to reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13582Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, sorry about missing listings i have added that to your office page.
Custom Ban seems to be working well now will complere this job next week.
Kind regards Andrey πin reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13578Hello Nishit we have recived some feedback from our customer, it seems that they are happy with the custom Ban task just one think they would like you to change is the message: “Custom Ban Notice!” please change to “Important Notice!”
in reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13576Hello Nishit, hope you are well, just a quick update on this job. I havnt recived any feed back from the site administration yet but that is going tipical now as peaple are bussy and they are not always respond to our updates. What we will do if tomorrow not feed backs we will reqest payment and close this job.
As per next job please take a look at this job detailis and let me know if any questions or access issues we will start it soon.
For Voip Numbers Display Job it looks that we are going to postpond that and resume it back once we get hold with PeerlLess personalle at this stage there is somthing going on with this which we are going to investigate and get back to you after situation has clarified.
Kind regards Andrey
in reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13564Hi NIshit thank you for your updates, i could check the banner now it looks better now, however i could not see it on my browser but i could see it on diffrent one. I guess cache issues in there.
I have also reported to the site administration will see if any feedbacks from them if not will close the job and start working on the next one.
Kind regards Andrey
in reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13562Idiealy on the banner page there is an option where site admin whant to display this banner and site admin can chose where to show this Ban Banner popup. The main purpose is to display this banner on the page (site admin selects) and the banner popsup in the middle of the selected page and banned customer can not do any work on that page untill ones close it or proceed to payment page. Payment buttom can be added to the banner text content as you already did:
“Dear Richard Chrouhs, this is a curtesy reminder that your account gone overdifted. To topup your account please procceed to your banking page [BUTTOM] to avoid service ineruption.
Thank You”
in reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13559Hello Nishit i have removed my previous message as it was wrong i mixed the pages from orders.
Could you please make the banner for Ban customers looking as adviced in #13553
Thank you πin reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13553Hi Nishit i have now clread cashe and checkd your work it is not quite fixed, 1st question wny this issue half fixed and where is an othre customere content? have you checked yourself? if so you should know how it was and how it is now it is still broken we can not see the rest of the pannel and data can you please fully fix it?
for banner i could now see the banner shows on home page but it is very poor quality customer siply ignors that and it worn get any effect as we expect. Please make the banner pops up in the middle of the page and not aalows customer to do any oprations on the website untill customer closes the baner or continews with payment. it should be looking a way better as it is now. ni alittle text at the top wont make any effect and look of it very horible.
in reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13548Hi Nishit i can see your screen shot it shows that it is working but please see this video from our side ;
in reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13543Hello Nishit i have just cheked both error and ban both not working, still showing error and not banner when loggining in from banned user ;(
in reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13538Hello Nishit we have tried to login from this user and could see nothing ;( There was a blank page loading continiewsly and then it has opened after somtine on the page, could not see any thing unfortunately. Can you please double check.
Aslo can you please fix this issue as well, i have no idea why it has got broken any idea?
Will check back again soon.
Kind regards ANdreyin reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13536Hi Nishit, thank you for good news, will be looking forward for testing.
kind regards Andrey πin reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13533Hi Nishit, let us make it simple now, just create one banner template here – in the section Display for: add parameter Banned Customer. Lets call it Ban Customer banner and this is only the benner will be displaied for banned customers.
Just one thing: – In the banner content please create a tag for [user name] so this can triger all the user names who’s banned. If user Anton banned same content for Anton name if user Zack banned it should trriger user name with one tag [user name].
============Template Example===============
Dear [user name], this is a curtesy reminder that your account gone overdifted. To topup your account please procceed to your banking page to avoid service ineruption.Thank You
=============================================with this temlate above the message will be addressed to any customer if [user name] = EN portal user name.
Kind regards Andrey πin reply to: Custom Ban (Notify) #13530Hello, thank you Jeff, Nishit how is all going with you any questions so far?