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Hello Nishit thank you for your messages, i have seen your video in #12758 and could not believe my eyes so i logged in to Voip and opened portout and could see the same. This is a very nice surprise of you would you please advice what have you done! What i can say is – Welldone Nishit!
for #12756 ->Your webhook plans you can accomplish on Notification Settings job:
I was only about to integrate webhook in port-out functionality. Please let us know if you have integrated Webhook to Port out will check with finance if they can acknowledge this financially.I also noted that you improved something on portout but Number of records feature does not work. I haven’t checked too much and not sure if Portout Approve and Reject functions work too but we may get back to you after your notification settings job is successful.
For your reply to my: – “When you talking about other developer then it is your mistake that you have not provided all information to me .You should have to inform me that inteliquent is also proving web-hook.I am not responsible to find the resources inteliquent is providing.”
Nishit im here no arguing with you but all other developers thoroughly reading documentation’s and vendors settings and finding there all options how telecom provider operates and making smart decitions to bind all things right to make the job accomplished at customers high expectations. Lucky you that company keep a support labor person to do help on developing process liaising among various departments to provide you more guidance and information while you working on the project.
As mentioned before some customers are retired and do not understand anything in developing process and vocab they just simply say to developer: – “We want this and that’s it” and developers finding their way to get the customer dream come trough.So we should value what we have. – if not us then someone else will do this job let us just keep it in mind;)
As per your finance plans to have such amount of pay for Notification Settings talks…- we expected this from you and had already discussion with our finance and planning and here is what they say: – ” The pay increase is possible but this time we come up with fixed budget and if any increase request come will be discussed only on the job results provided.
So lats just do some maths: – the fixed budget is there the sooner you do the job and most importantly QUALITY of this will be appreciated. When company set a budget they promise this pay will be paid to you BUT there is no promise from your that it will be same way as we want it to see ( our customers wanted). Do the work, show us great results and finance will respond to it accordingly.
We still haven’t heard any thing from you regarding accessibility for notifications settings.https://webmaklay.com/forums/topic/notification-settings/
Hello Mark,
I just came to the office after a hectic weekend will give other update later for now i checked about Number of records feature but it is also working. May be you are doing something different from it’s work flow.
What you need to do is just select number of record and click on search button.
see my screen recorded video:https://portal.voip.us/public/temp/Screencast%20from%2009-09-24%2009:54:49%20AM%20IST.webmIn addition of #12760.
About port-out functionality , yes i have integrated port-out web-hook and i can see it is working.But have to change all the port-out functionality according to web-hook need.Hello Mark,
Please make a sandbox account on inteliquent or if you already have then please provide to me .
It is needed for notification functionality, it will give freedom to me for testing.Hello Nishit, thank you for your messages, we hope you have had a good weekend.
For #12760 i got you we thought the number of records changes once quty of records has been selected without clicking on search button, is it possible to numbers of records change on selection or do we always need to slick search button it is a bit confusing as we actually not searching anything?for #12761 i see thats good so we now now that webhook works well, do not worry about port out now we will come back to that after notification settings job done. We need to do notification setting job done first as it is higher priority.
I have also reported team about you portout task breakthrough and team was very happy for this change. I have also mentioned about your budget increase request and the team will increase as i have mentioned it on #12759 but we need to work faster with notification settings task and do not forget toconfirm if you have access on Nanotel serer as we will need to make a notification settings job there.
Will request team for sandbox account and get back to you once created,
CheersHello Mark,
Yes, i checked Nanotel serer and i can access it, but i will ask you to tell your team to make a ftp for it and also provide sandbox as soon as possible, because i made a functionality to test sandbox account on current voip portal and want to test it.Please provide sandbox account and ftp as soon as possible , and most important please provide cPanel terminal access. I will need it to install cron job functionality.
Hi NIshit, FTP acccess has been created please find it in your office page,
SandBox has been requested unfortunately im working after working hours and most of our team have gone for today but tomorrow i hope will be all set as i do not have permition for inteliquent any accounts creation.For cPanel terminal will try to reach Jeff and enable for you.
Please let me know if anything you need,
CheersHey team thanks for reaching out, the terminal has been established for cPanel at NanoTel,
Good work Nishit with portout!Hi Mark for SandBox please try to ring Andrey or Jolly,
JFThanks Jeff for #12767 super fast!
I have alraday requested SandBox will take some time with this,
Please check Terminal now and also please check if the server speed is great enough to go ahead with Notification Settings, once SendBox has been set will let you know.
This reply was modified 5 months ago by
Mark Hanson.
Hello Mark,
Thanks for the resources, now i am waiting for sandbox account.
Text from my finance team:-
I can not work on notification setting integration without final budget approval.Hi Nishit Sand Box most likely will be set tomorrow.
For budget team will increase as discussed although they said that they will probably add some lines in the task description. It has not been confirmed yet as we were very busy with other project will probably update your page tomorrow.Still i wouldn’t wait on that but do some preps and to not lose the time on this. You can also check if you happy with NanoTel server speed as we also need to know.
Also since we started on Notification Settings for better traceability please let us continue our communication on Notification Settings forum.
CheersHello Mark,
Text from finance team:
We can start working from today with expectation budget of $700.From now we will discuss on Notification Settings page.
This reply was modified 5 months ago by
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