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  • Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    What do you mean by “partially close”, Should i now stop working on port-out functionality.
    I did completed most of the task and was working on Customer Port Out Upgrade

    I am currently working on Customer Port Out Upgrade.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit could you please confirm if you successfully upgraded PortOut upgrade? Did you manage to revolve issue with page opening and loading speed? What is the latest updates? I have attached the following update from you as mentioned in #12723 where it says that you still finding resolution for “loading problem” and we though you are still on “working on different solution like web-hook. I also made some changes on user page for port-out but not yet completed”
    So are you going to fully complete the PortOut upgrade task?

    Please confirm.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    Web-hook is different thing , Please read task description there is mentioned to do like inteliquent . Check inteliquent there is export numbers and export orders functionality for port-out table and export port-out detail for selected order. I did completed that task. In the task there is no where mentioned to about the loading speed.

    Loading speed is not because functionality error , it is because of API loading speed.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit as we have already mentioned to you when site admin opens your upgraded Portout task they can not use it due to looong time page load if it is not mentioned in the task description but the page still remains unusable this is why we asked you why you did not use webhook when you build it first time. So now finance requested a second budget from the customer to fix this issue and do you want them to pay for this task again without ability to use it?

    You are developer and even if it is not showing speed loading it is obvious you can not report job as finished but it is not finished because site admin can not use it. This is why we suggesting to you to use other toold to make this task properly functioning like using webhook in particular.

    The task description also does not say about collors on the page and styles but it is not because we do not want it but because we assume that you are developer and understand that it is all obvious. We also did not mentioned that the fold on the page should be black so we can read all the Portout content on it because we know you as developer understand this and wont make white font on white page right? – same for the page speed if you did upgarde on the page but the page not loading that means something is wrong there and it has to be resolved.

    In fact you were saying that you are working on it while connecting to Inteliquent and we also suggested to you with webhook. Our other competitors they got that working and why you can not?

    So what did you mean when you were saying: – ” I did completed on admin side and already reported to you but come with loading problem. That’s why we are working on different solution like web-hook. I also made some changes on user page for port-out but not yet completed”

    are you still working on Webhook solution or not? We can see the Inteliqunet support also helping you with some valuble advices how to make all thinks get working properly. We also mentioned to you multiple times about why you not trying webhook which can be a speed ssolution for many tasks as port out and notificaion settings and otheres?

    All othre companies and developers buying all the numbers from Inteliquent and our client loosing almost all the numbers possible but we already spend a lot of money for this task upgrading them multiple times?

    Can you please advice?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    I would like to clarify that I was not informed about the webhook functionality earlier. Instead, I was provided with the API documentation, without any mention of webhook services. As you’re aware, there is a clear distinction between APIs and webhooks—while APIs allow us to fetch information on demand, webhooks automatically update our database upon certain events on inteliquent.

    Additionally, I was advised not to store all the information in our database but rather to utilize the Inteliquent API for data retrieval. At no point was I made aware that Inteliquent provides webhook services. This is critical information that should have been shared earlier, especially considering the current delay in side-loading data.

    I also want to note that my finance team is awaiting budget approval before we proceed with any webhook integration.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    All good Nishit accepted that, so now when we mentioned to you that customer losing numbers and can not use Portout page and we keep saying to you find a rapid resolution for that. Why it is not done yet?

    If we haven’t mentioned to you about Webhook before and did not asked you tos store data in our data base you still have access to all documentations available and as a developer you could advice us that if we use webhook we could obtain external data more faster and we also could flush our Voip datable time after time but we could use proper and fast loading infrastructure.

    In addition i would say if you see the ways better/ faster more efficent to achieve the goal please have you say this is why we rely on your experience and skills. We do not want you to be a robot doing a work from the list but we want you to be a inteligent human specilaist who can read the task and grasp the idea and goal which is behind that task and provide your profectional knowlage on how to get this work done better.

    In other way we think that you knew the the better wasy how to do the job but not sharing with us and our customers just paying money but not getting what they want to have.

    So now you know a lot of information from us from inteliquent, our team come up on the forum so you should be aware whats going on and what their need – now what are you going to do?


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit it is late here we are going to close , i still did not get what is the progress on:
    webhook- have you tried webhook, did you get it sorteded or not. Are you going to finish the PortOut upgrade task as customer wants, currently we can not use it as the loading time is just ridiculous. We understand that ortout some loading time be there but as mentioned before page should instantly loaded and content loading later.

    We have seen multiple web pages from other developers and they all say that all the websites use this tehcnic and no one waiting for sllooooow time loading page. We could see when ppl click on the page even most busiest pages opening in just second and we can see a frame work with other content being loaded afterwards you can not do it we just can not understand.

    Please let us know as we need to inform finance.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    in addition we have just checked the Portout upgrade still not done comments and task description that we mentioned before about the https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Portout-details.jpg and others…

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    I don’t know why you are not understanding my point as you already know and i also told you that other people using there own database to store the information using web-hook.
    I was advised from your side to use API as i already told you.I have made admin port out page for database dependent using web-hook and i can see the loading speed has been slightly reduced. I will have to make all the functionality database dependent for port out page.

    I must tell you one thing all these thing about web-hook integration i am doing only for port-out , so other page may still take time to be loaded. If you want to integrate web-hook on all possible page then you have to make a complete new budget and time.I as a developer will suggest you to integrate web-hook for all possible page now it’s up to you.

    My finance team is still waiting for web-hook integration budget .

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    Pass a message to the inteliquent support team.
    Is there any documentation for your web-hook service? I need to read it to get web-hook work flow.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your message for #12747, – done!
    for #12746 you are right please do webhook for port out and other jobs we have got webhook already accounted.

    We have discussed with finance and they will process payment for you tonight. However you will still need to fix pagination as it shows blue spon on the page which we click, also the font on this https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Portout-details.jpg red section should be more bigger as advised in the description and comments. Also there is a qty selection on the top of the Portout form which does not work when we click 2 items to view there is nothing happening, also page loading should be instant and other content can be loaded after and much more items we would liked you to finish on this job which is mentioned but still not working.

    Please spend some time of yours until the end of this week your time to complete all this and on next week we would like you to have a challenging week.

    We would like you to start this job here https://webmaklay.com/notification-settings/ the team prepared you a separate server just to check your ability to crack this job and set a notification task up and running. Will be communicating about Notification settings on this forum here so please subscribe to not miss updates. https://webmaklay.com/forums/topic/notification-settings/#post-12748

    Notification Settings – will be a very important job for you we would like to see if you able to do this job as it may affect your further contracting for this project. As already discusses we are missing a lot of numbers fron Inteliquent and we want you to fix it.

    The notification settings https://webmaklay.com/notification-settings/ job has budgeted and we do not want you to worry about any design or fancy styling technics. The main goal is to see if you can make a script so we can start getting valuable (#12716) numbers from our vendors.

    You can use webhook, API anything you like and we have provided to you everything to make all numbers being reserved and purchased. You can use your old scripts from voip notification libreary with Wild card and others, you can modify your code and use any super duper technics so our customer start getting their numbers.

    The sooner you do it the better it will be. So please check and confirm if all access credentials are working there and let us know on the notification settings forum.

    Please let us know if any questions as we are closing earlier tonight.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    Webhook integration for port out is not a small task that can be completed in one or two day.There will be complete change in existing functionality of web-hook. Web-hook complete integration will take time to be completed.You have to be patient for better execution.
    As i already inform that you have to make a task for port-out web-hook integration and functionality changes. My finance team is waiting for the budget for port-out web-hook integration.

    NOTE: Please add a new task for port-out web-hook integration, my finance team is not allowing me to make new functionality for web-hook integration without new task added.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit, thank you for your #12754 please finish everything possible for today and tomorrow on Port out upgrade.

    Unfortunately there will be no any webhook additional budget for port out upgrade we have already spend a lot of time thinking that you are upgrading portout task and still finance already changed status for port out upgrade.

    “What ever possible can be done on Portout job should be taken in consideration at the beginning of building port out”. – Please keep this in your mind while starting Notifcaion settings job.

    Your webhook plans you can accomplish on Notification Settings job so the team will see if you able to fix the numbers notifications issue (which is now important) and after we will see results whether your are able to integrate webhook to portout functionality and other areas.

    All other web developers who use the same resources that you do have already made all necessary codings and now taking all the numbers from both Inteliquent and Peerless. We understand you are a bit struggling with connecting webhook and other areas but we hope you can do your best on Notificaion Settings job.

    Unfortunately company can not pay the time spent on education process but we still understand and appreciate your effort on this and this is why spend more money on additional resources and external support. So you have got everything to make Notification Settings job as we want it to be and we will see from there.

    Please let us know if any more questions.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    Hello Mark,

    “Today is the weekend, so I cannot work tomorrow.”
    I can not work on port-out web-hook integration on this budget ,My finance team is not allowing me to work on current budget.I was upgrading about functionality not loading speed. Remember you came with in a day with loading problem and web-hook and ask me to research about it.I can see the pagination is working and on Customer Port Out Upgrade it is also required to change current functionality according to web-hook, without doing it the speed will be same as it is right now.

      #12756 ->Your webhook plans you can accomplish on Notification Settings job:

    I was only about to integrate webhook in port-out functionality.

    When you talking about other developer then it is your mistake that you have not provided all information to me .You should have to inform me that inteliquent is also proving web-hook.I am not responsible to find the resources inteliquent is providing.

    Notification Settings Task

    My finance team is not ready to work on Notification setting task. Minimum budget should be $700 for this task . Because i have to make a new setup and new code for this. Old script will not work on this setup, i have to make complete new script with new approach.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1227

    In addition of #12757

    check the screen-recorded video, I can see the loading speed is under a second and pagination is also working.
    [video src="https://portal.voip.us/public/temp/Screencast%20from%2006-09-24%2003:41:48%20PM%20IST.webm" /]

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