Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repair 24

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  • Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Mark,

    This below is my message for support team:

    Hello Team,

    I have a couple of queries regarding our current process:

    Webhook Integration for Port-Out Numbers
    I am considering using a webhook instead of an API for handling port-out numbers. Could you please guide me on how I can provide my API URL for this purpose?

    Improving Number Acquisition Process
    Currently, we are using the /tnInventory API to retrieve a list of available numbers, followed by the /tnReserve and /tnOrder APIs for purchasing. However, we are experiencing issues with losing numbers in this process.
    Is there an alternative system or method available that ensures we do not lose any numbers? Specifically, I am interested in a solution where we can specify a wildcard number pattern, such as xxxxx**999, with a quantity of 100, and then purchase all released numbers matching this pattern without losing any.

    Thank you for your assistance.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your message and updates,
    for #12712 well done Nishit your message is great we have got already some comments from the team that you becoming independent and communicating directly to Ineloquent support.

    We have checked and haven’t seen any replies from them yet but they will get back to you soon. While waiting Jeff is preparing an access for you to an other server where we are going to copy and add a notification settings functionality to, but this is going to be an other job for you. I hope by then you will get more info about webhook and other answers for your questions so we can get all API’s data being flowed faster.

    How are we going with port out upgrade job? Would you please let us know when we can test it and close.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Mark,

    Because of your new requirement of loading speed and notification , i did not get chance to work on listed task, i have now started working and looking the bug you sent in post #12699

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your updates and your #12714
    We understand your frustration will check with finance if we can release some funds for you.
    Here is what’s going on there are few companies using same Inteliquent numbers archive and some of them we now. All these companies have their own developers and their developers do the coding that way so they purchase all the valuable numbers from inteliquent and us Voip no longer catching any numbers AT ALL.

    This is a challenge for you and the team is looking at you if you can change this situation and we start purchasing numbers that we use to do. This is a developers skills battle if you want and many ppl rely on your skills and experiance so we can start capturing more numbers from Inteliquent.
    Our targes are all numbers with

    and we hope you can resolve this problem ASAP.

    We also checked that Inteliquent has replied to you also from us please find this updated API guide attached below.

    We should receive a new access for a faster server for you so you will have everything you need to beat all developers and start purchasing numbers that we need.
    Please let us know if any think we missing here.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Mark,

    I checked Inteliquent replied and looking on there solution.

    Web-hook integration in port-out is a new task, You have to make a task and assign the budget for it so i can start working on it.

    Also for wildcard number reserve, i will check the support team’s solution.Then i will start working but, this will be also consider as a new task.

    NOTE:I will integrate support team solution if the solution work then i don’t think we will lose any number.

    Jeff Simpson
    Post count: 38

    Hi guys sorry for delay with this:
    We have got domain registered and awaiting for prorogation will forward all details to you Mark so you can set access up at Nishit’s office page.

    Thanks JF

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Jeff thanks for your #12718 looking forward for it, is it a better machine you guys are setting now?

    Jeff Simpson
    Post count: 38

    yep, Andrey has registered a domain and we building an instance with different specs with nvme drive for very high throughput, will get all the details to you shortly.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    thanks Jeff sounds impressive!

    for #12717 – Yes Nishit there will be a job for these. i Just need to discuss with finance as port out Job not closed and how we can make an other job.
    Please keep us updated regarding inteliquent solution, for some reason other developers getting all the numbers.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit just checked with finince, we may partialy close Portout page if you have completed all the points that mentioned in #12699.

    for #12699 clause A. – can you please confirm once tried Inteliquent solution for webhook, it seems that Inteliquent support guide will change all the story and we can grab numbers properly.

    for wild card – please see the task mentioned in here https://webmaklay.com/voip-notification-repair/ which is paid and we are now https://webmaklay.com/port-out-upgrade/ so paid works should work.

    If your concern regarding new instance that Jeff and tean have been working on – that will be an other job so do not worry about it.

    For your: “NOTE:I will integrate support team solution if the solution work then i don’t think we will lose any number” – we can not hold to Inteliquent support these guys trying their best to help you out to resolve the issue and they are not developers but they provide valuble information to you as well as othre team members.

    We’ve been trying to give you all the tools, infomarion and resources so you can beat other developers and we can provide Voip team to capture their numebrs that they used to capture but now stopped and loosing them because other developers use same information and resources maybe less but currently taking all the numbers from our customer.

    So if you change this situation we will see it and that will give you more jobs.
    Please let us know if you require any assistance from us while we are here for an other hour.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Mark,

    I did finished all the task mentioned in voip-notification-repair , there is nothing to do. If you are adding current discussion (About number purchase) then i must tell you this is completely new .

    For port-out upgrade : I did completed on admin side and already reported to you but come with loading problem. That’s why we are working on different solution like web-hook. I also made some changes on user page for port-out but not yet completed.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nshit thanks for confirming this #12723 will send it to finance, as per numbers purchase – it is not new it is same notification rules with wild card when site admin set up a notification rules using wild card or without and then they choose if this number for notification or auto purcase, we have done this already but it does not work properly due to speed issue or webhook thats what we are wating for resolution from you.

    We are sure it is same problem that affecting all the voip areas on portout and notifications (notifications where customers missing loads of numbers) so i would not split this issue as we paid for most of this work but it is still not functioning as we want it. So we can not forget it and flip the page over to a new chapter.

    Loading problem we hope webhook will resolve this we just can not understand why we did not do it before?
    When planning seting up a task for you we rely on your skills and experience if it reqires to use API for poryt out or numbers purchasing then we should use that method and if it is reqire webhook then it should be done that way so we could also benifit from your input.

    So now we spend months on this and as a result customers missing all the numbers from the portal and this impacting their entire business and no we hear from an other developers regarding webhook but i think we should hear it from you as a better option to achieve best goals.

    It is ok now we hope you can fix this situation asap and find the right way so our portout and notifications work great what ever it require webhook (that we haven’t use for some reason)

    Please let us know if there is somthing not clear to you and you need more clarifications.
    When new instance had set up we will use new instance to take (already build notification functionally – which is numbers chron purchasing) and move this functionality to a faster instance.

    By then we should already have to get all the webhook and and wildcard functionality up and running properly.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit we are closing here will catch up with you in about 24 hours. We have sent this job to finance but they have closed now. Hoping to hear good news from you regarding all this above.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Mark,

    I am making url for webhook for testing and i will wait for the event from inteliquent . Once i will get any event response then will proceed with that.

    For number purchase i will have to make different functionality than it is currently. I already explained the possible reason behind not getting all number purchased is for sequential execution. Now i have to make priority to reserve all number first then purchase the reserved number.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishith, thank you for your updates, how is all going? any updates?
    Good news is that finance approved partially close this job and rest payment + new budget will be relocated for notification task on new directory where we can set up ONLY notification settings for dedicated functionalities with your wild card , webhook and your sequential execution we hope we will be taking all numbers.


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