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in reply to: Vendors Search #6680
Hello Nishit thank you for your questions it is good we can see the process is on the way,
for your #6618 – there was a sample advised by senior developer,
please try the following mentioned in the code sample below:
Please check this text file could not attach the code to the post. #6679 will try to update you later on.
This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by
Mark Hanson.
This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by
Mark Hanson.
in reply to: Vendors Search #6626Hello Nishit thank you for your #6623 will investigate that.
Cheersin reply to: Vendors Search #6622Hello Nishit thank you for your updates,
in #6620 – i think it is a good idea getting all the data from API, as long as the EN customers can initiate their vendor’s search and purchasing trackable on EN.Back to – #6618 could you please send us your full call and respond sample that you trying to request.
We are being in touch with other our developer so we can have a look at that and determine whether we actually need an other account for Peerless API or not.COMMENTS
When we remove pincode and then activate number the client sees “0” in pin code line could you please ensure that there is nothing sent in pin code line if Pin code has removed.
in reply to: Vendors Search #6619Hello Nishit i hope you have had a wonderful weekend.
Thank you for your updates and starting working on Vendors Search.
for your: #6618 – ERROR_WHILE_VALIDATING_USER_INVALID_CREDENTIALS as i can see the Peerless user is for voip project will contact site admin for alternative account and credentials so you can assign it to EN project.Please allow me sometime to contact team and ill get back to you with new Pearless account details.
Meanwhile you can work on other areas of VS task so our progress going smooth.Cheers
in reply to: Vendors Search #6617Hello Nishit, thank you for your updates, will do the video next time when this issue arise again.
Cheersin reply to: Vendors Search #6615Hello Nishit in addition to my previous message
for #6608c) there is a complain come that as customers scroll down mobile site the numbers images look ugly, not aligned properly and remain us the mobile site that we used to have 5 years ago ;(
Can you please check that too and fix it.Cheers
in reply to: Vendors Search #6614Hello Nishit thank you for your #6612
c) you are absolutely right here, thank you for checking tasks, we also noted that there was an initial difference on this task and now some new adjustments come over our planning team. This is why we have added some extra funds for it as the work previously done by you took time and re doing or moderating this job cost additional funds.
This is a protocol for both planning and finance.e) thank you will check from our end.
g) this is a very good question, please temporary remove red section from “new numbers” page to avoid cross conflicts, but we still need to allow customers to search million numbers such as 500-000 & repeaters 333-3333 as these can be also new numbers. So we will need to think how to make such numbers (that you are going to remove) searchable. So please advice what can be a temporary solution for it.Why temporary – as planning thinking about new job that will help us to get rid of the brands in the future but in the same time have such special numbers to be controllable across the site. Please let us know if you find any resolutions for that so we can add this work and appreciate you logic idea.
When admin creates a new order from admin back end (#20719 for example), such orders got missing and we finding them on incomplete orders, and when we change its status to pending activations we then finding duplicate record for this order. Could you please let us know why it is so?BACK TO:#6586
The more developers working with us the higher creditability for such specialist. As far as im aware depending on your performance on Vendors Search (time x quality of this task done x attention to details x less conflicts and site breakings) there is a high chance that the budget for this work will increase a little more.FOR #6598
I have one question :
1) And Where do want setting page on Admin ? if any back end settings / functionality please list it in admin panel have a look at this area if that can be used feel free to create an additonal tab like Vendors Search
as per site visitors i can see it has got organized After order how to handle the ordered numbers ? – The process should be finalized and merged to current checkout and reservations. If any conflicts issues please let us know here. We welcome our ideas on that.
in reply to: Vendors Search #6608Hello Nishit thank you for your updates,
for #6597 – i could not get any definite answer but the main point here is; – We can not allow to any vendor to see where all the queries /API calls coming from, what vendors should know is that all the request coming from “Nano Telecom” not EN. This is the crucial point so when ever you come across with such ID parameters please use Nano Telecom for all the vendors requests.
For #6598 thank you for making it clear with your plans, appreciate that!
for your questions:
1) I would double check with the site admins
2) I guess same as we currently have customers can purchase them, reserve, activate ets, but I would double check with the site admins and get back to you on that.Nishit there are some complains and comments come from the client tester please find below:
a) Site admin setting up a products / numbers quantity to be displayed on the page but it is not working on some pages please see screen shot here: Numbers profile page we missing reservation count down and numbers displayed in a wrong color but it suppose to be in RED please see this screen shot:
c) Mobile site site admin did not mean to display see more button please remove “See more” button but leave its content displayed static wrapped in the site style frame. Also the “Popular” link change to “Popular Categories” and make this link expandable with “+” icon in front of it and when clicked it should drop down with all “Popular Categories” and when clicked on “-” it wraps up all drop down. Please see screen shot attached:
d) Site admin complains that customers still can not login from their mobiles please check with some minor adjustments see here:
e) your fixed the reservation chon issue but some numbers still frozen and expired i guess old numbers before your fix please check this screen:
f) On the numbers pages filter we noted “X000–” has got extra dashes “–” that should not be there please remove. please add filter to the New Numbers page as it does not have a filter please see screen shot here:
P.S I have been also instructed to add extra funds on this job page for c) $ g)
in reply to: Vendors Search #6597Hello Nishit we have add it to your office page,
for your: – “It is will help me if you can point me out.” will double check with the site admins and get back to you’
Cheersin reply to: Vendors Search #6594Hi Nishit i got it, when you will be connecting calls via API you will come across such a parameters when you going to indicate a client id just use Nano Telecom instead of Excellent Numbers so vendor will be recognizing all request from Nano Telecom, i believe you will find this while doing this task.
If it is still not clear for you i will try to find out exact areas where such parameters should be noted.
Cheersin reply to: Vendors Search #6592Oh i see thank you Nishit!
please let us know if any questions.Cheers
in reply to: Vendors Search #6590Hello Nishit, thanks for your reply i know you are not offending me, i was just answering your question in details so you can see it a wider picture.
Have you started Vendor’s search yet, just want to see how long it will take for you.
Cheersin reply to: Vendors Search #6588Hello NIshit thank you for your updates:
Client ID : I Made changes regarding task. – thank you will check and get back to you if any comments
New Numbers Widget : I made changes regarding this task. If any changes this let me know- thank you will check and get back to you if any commentsVendors Search and other task EST development time – based on each particular developer skills and experience.
i have consulted with the team before putting this comment for you, when we communicate with developers we put on scales all aspects of developers ranks and reliability trust measures.
As an example for a senior developer who work on a complex project task such as Telinta, Peeless, etc there is a leveled job with custom and multiple logic development. If you remember we tried to do it with you and it went well for first time.
So there is a job that can be done for a week or two and that’s includes various modules development with back end and front end out come. In fact there will be even documentations applied for the complex long term works as above.
It is all about familiarity with the code and performance. We know that some developers work on multiple projects at the same time as a result losing the grip of the project that can be their main income for them. As a result, we do small jobs and tasks for weeks and weeks. The company can not afford this approach, and this is about entire budget allocation.
Another example one of our developers in Poland does very complex jobs including installation files for the modules and plugins that accompany with complex intelligent interfaces , implementing multiple details across the work site.
Once such projects release customer uses that for their businesses in most of the cases no question asked less spending costs on adjustment or repairs and that builds strong budget.
There is a lot of trust involved to such developers and reliability, most of them work almost with no support but in the same time high reliability so we can get in touch with them via various sources as phones, networks and support forums where as some developers building up a barriers with us refusing to set up a stream communication in case of urgency and mishaps.
Having said that we respect all developers working styles we try to fulfill each of them needs and requirements.
Answering on your questions if developers request such a budget and time frame, we put it down on our performance scale and measure budget, timeframe, outcome + how much company spends during this time against such fact what we achieve. Please reed here more about details
It is hard to say how much exactly hours required for Vednors Search job for you in particular depending on the style how you work, finish good results, details and other aspects mentioned above. Some developers can do it for a week (40 hours) some can do for a month (160 hours) we value all the developer’s approach but associate our company spending’s accordingly.
Please let us know if any ore questions.
in reply to: Vendors Search #6585Hello Nishit i have rang to our finance team,
your creditability with Webmaklay is very high also you’ve been working for us a long term, as a result our accounting team have been increased this job budget significantly.It looks like it is still a bit hard for you to deal with our vendors API documentations and setup which reflect your timeframe for 80 hours it is a bit too much but we accept this time frame and happy to assess this task after this period.
We have updated your page.
Please let us know if you have any more questions.
Cheersin reply to: Vendors Search #6581Hello Nishit thank you for your updates
Numbers Price Addon – thank you will check and get back to you if any issues:
for your For Vendors Search budget concerns, will address your query to finance, i think they can increase the budget for you but not sure if it will be increased that much as you advice but will let you know shortly.
The main problem is that we are a bit behind the schedule, and planning looking at possibilities to catch up with time. We have got more work to do but very slow with outcome. We plan jobs to do and set time for them but when we do a job something else breaking up and we rolling back with all repairs and that rework time is costly for us.
When you saying that it will be about 80 hours for you i assume when the job done we will find multiple issues across the site and that time maybe increase for the company.
Any way will get that sorted for you and what ever can be increased will be updated on your page.Cheers
This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by