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in reply to: Notification Settings #12882
Hi Nishit what kind of notifications comming now on NanoTel? is it SandBox?
in reply to: Notification Settings #12881Hello Nishit thank you for your message.
in reply to: Notification Settings #12879Hi Nishit we have added a pass for NanoTel API account please try to login and confirm.
Also please check cPanel it should work now!in reply to: Notification Settings #12876Hi Nishit we are closing here hopefully will hear some details from you tomorrow,
we still want to know how unauthorized purchase happened, qty of the numbers purchased:1) We have multiple of rules on Voip site and why that particular rule x00-x00 have purchased unwanted numbers how the system can behave this way or was it a error of your inputs?
2) Why system purchased numbers but the rule has notification settings only?
3) Api allows to purchase numbers after second request how that happened so site requested purchase of junk numbers?
4) Why first purchase on numbers wty was 1250 then 1000 and third an other 1000? Whare all this quantities come from?
We are waiting for your investigation results. Please also let us know if you are able to find a competent responds and also let us know if you are unable to find out?
in reply to: Notification Settings #12875Hi Nishit will ask team for the pass and get back to you.
in reply to: Notification Settings #12873Hi Nishit for #12871 we are aware about this issue and this is why we were asking you about the server speed as we haven’t paid the server license and now it has expired. Will check with the team if we can extend the trail till we will hear from your regarding the server speed so it is what you need for your codes.
However FTP and should work so you can continue your investigation.
We have also created a nanotel API user you can find its credentials in your office page.
If you want to see more information about nanoTel user you can login to NanoTel from the voip credentials and visit User List or Apy Key tabs.Cheers
in reply to: Notification Settings #12870Hello Nishit for your #12868 will get site admin to create new API username,
we are closing here now, we have also asked site admin and customer about the time and qty when numbers being released and they said that in most cases big qty of numbers being released on Monday US time. Usually bocks 1000+ numbers it can be 1000 numbers then an other 1000 and so on.
Numbers release blocks are random but by blocks. From that block of numbers from 000 to 999 our competitors purchasing only valuable numbers such as repeaters 5555,6666 ,million numbers as 2000000 3000000, easy to remember 212121 353535 and so on. YThose numbers that system purchased are mostly junk numbers and no one needs them but our customers paid for that:(.
Hoping you can fix this issue.
Cheersin reply to: Notification Settings #12867if you need to see all numbers purchased you can find it on inteliquent – orders – orders status closed
in reply to: Notification Settings #12866Hi NIshit please check screen shot attached in #12862
in reply to: Notification Settings #12862Hello Nishit i have got a news for you and it is not a good news,
we have received a letter from our customer and they said that last night system bought 1250 numbers again and they were very shocked. is no securities and no reliabilities about your codding and this is already second time since we reported to you last time but unfortunately there is nothing changed system for some reason purchased umbers that we do not need. We haven’t even did anything and we only got a message from Ineloquent saying “thank you for your purchase”
When we checked it shows that 1000 more numbers purchased that not suppose to be purchased. After 5 -6 hours your script has purchased an other 1000 numbers so our customers and site admins find themself in a huge loss of funds.
We have got a waring from the customer and our team thinking about sending a notice to your company but it has not been decided yet.
At this stage i have been urgently informed to let you know to stop all development as we can see you do not have any control on that and ability to investigate and resolve this HUGE issues. We have already notified you before that this is very serious and we have no idea why you unable to resolve it.
So from now on please stop any development and investigate this issue. If you unable to investigate this issue and resolve this once and forever we will have to send report about this to our planning and finance.
We have also checked on some of your codding and both Voip and NanoTel setup and found that numbers being purchased using x00 x00 rule. We could not find this rule on NanoTel but we found same rule on Voip site. We also found that x00 and x00 rule has a settings to notify only and we do not know why it has been purchasing numbers instead of sending notification. We have now disable this rule and still keep monitoring about your scripts behavior.
We have set rules on NanoTel for purcasing but it is not purcasing for some reason, and we see Voip rules that set for notifications are purchasing numbers that we do not need.
Also when you ask us about numbers limitations and we asked you thta it is 100 or 200 when ever possible for VALUBLE NUMBERS but x00 x00 rule purchasing numbers in thousands. Se it seems that there is no control on this from you side and we can not afford such loses and expenses paying thousands of numbers that we do not need.
We still can not see NanoTel functionality working also we can not see any notifications going trough neither tracking code that you disabled on NanoTel for some reason so wwe can not inspect any security mesueres.
At this stage we have given you everything to make the job done but it is still does not work and secondly there is not tracking on notifications and web traceability.
a. Please provide us very clear investigation result why it has been happenings and why no security measures applied since our previous warning to you.b. Please let us know if you find resolution for this unauthorized numbers purchasing and if you actually able to fix it.
c. Please also let us know if you unable to fix it so we can forward your responds to our team members for further decision making.
This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by
Mark Hanson.
in reply to: Notification Settings #12860Hi Nishit thank you for #12858 – it is ok
for #12859 will try to ask admin and let you know tomorrow.
Hoping that we can test it all soon.We are closing here now will catch up in about 24 hours!
Cheersin reply to: Notification Settings #12857an other question we have got do you think we should create a separate user for NanoTel project so we would have one account for Voip and other for NanoTel. We think it may help you to use different API key and probably double chances to capture valuble numbers. Please let us know what do you think?
in reply to: Notification Settings #12856Hello Nishit, thank you for your message, i hope you have had a good weekend. Yes voip numbers we got from Inteliquent only 2 5555 and 6666 these were reserved by NanoTel but then purchased by Voip. Actually we used to get more valuable numbers from voip as now. Any way we will wait when you finish integrating NanoTel and we start getting numbers with Nano Tel.
Would you please let me know what is timestamp and what it is about so i will ask team how we can help you with this.
As per security – admin wants so system does not create any rules as described in #12854. Probably just make some characters entry restriction or double check.If site admin done any misprinted and typed + instead of number in the field the system recognize it and responds with a message something like ” Something went wrong with your entry please check your input” or “We noted there is a error in your entry please fix it and continue”
This extra check will prevent site admins creating wrong entry and massive wrong numbers purchase as it is very risky.
in reply to: Notification Settings #12854Hello Nishit thank you for your updates in #12853 yes we have realized that the valuable numbers have been purchased from voip project not NanoTel as i have mentioned in #12843.
We have also forwarded your message #12850 to the site admin and as they have confirmed they will change their records based on wild card settings. Although as you have also noted in #12850 we do need normal option of adding notifications as well so please keep it in mind when you finished your job on NanoTel project both Wild Card and Normal (NPA) Entires are enabled.
Regarding Wild Card entry today site admin tried to add some more Wild Card Entries and found the following issues:
a) When we created first 8888 wild card entry and set quantity 200 then we clicked save and it saved rule as 8888 BUT quantity 100 !? We set 200 but saved 100 can you please check and fix why it is so?
b) Second record we have created with 7777 as a next record with quantity 200 and then clicked save, then after sometime the page reloaded we could not find our newly created 7777 record. Then we tried to reload all page we still could not find 7777 record but we noted that othre rule has been created with all ******* instead. Area code numbers and all the fields become ********** instead of 7777 we could see ****. So we noted that you have copied some codes from Voip and added them to NanoTel (which is ok) BUT as we have mentioned to you before this issue had been happened earlier and our customer had a huge issue when system purchased 10.000 random numbers and that’s when we mentioned to you to create a sort of a security measure so system does not allow to create a rules with such a mistake as it could cost a lot of money and our site admins and customers are very unhappy with it.
So please if you copy any sources from VOip site please take to consideration to not copy same mistakes that have been detected on VOip notification rules. PLEASE make sure that system wont allow to create a wrong data entries for the number’s rules. Even if the site admin misprinted a key on the numbers fields it should restrict or warn its user about wrong entry and do not create wrong entries EVER as it can turn to a big problem for site admin for their customer and for us and yourself. Please be carefull with this.
Lucky this time it looks thats system did not buy any numbers but if it would we may have a big problems with our customer.
in reply to: Notification Settings #12852Oh i see i guess these entries left from the test rules and we will need to delete them and create correct ones but we will still notify site admin to review these as advised, hoping you will get respond from support and we can test it again.
Will have to close here now and catch up with you in about 24 hours.Cheers
This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by