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  • Andrey
    Post count: 194

    one more point Nishit, not sure how Mark could get finance approval for this job https://webmaklay.com/port-out-upgrade/ task Notifications it has not been done but it shows fully paid https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/notifications.jpg

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1198

    Hello Andrey,

    You can only see port-out number if it is available otherwise you can not and there was discussion to activate on port-out button .

    https://portal.voip.us/api-documentation => error 401 is showing that the user is not authorised api user have to get authenticate first (https://portal.voip.us/api/authenticate). Please check the API documentation there is response message and code below.

    NOTE: I already informed that the API is not like that you just put the url in search bar. To use the API user need to know how to use rest API.I have tested on my postman (API testing tool) and it is working.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1198

    Hello Andrey,

    I think there is some confusion , the other task you are currently showing was discussed to not work (Because of notification setting) and also it’s been removed from the actual budget.

    for your post #13055:
    it’s not negative value it is a simple – . if you want i can remove it now.

    Post count: 194

    Oh i see, strange if the task removed why it is fully paid… will check with Mark on his return.
    for negative value you saying that it is just a dash right? 🙂 ….i think better remove this “-” as it looks like negative…

    all good for #13056 https://portal.voip.us/api-documentation
    will tell customer to carefully check the docs.

    thank you Nishit for all your answers!

    Post count: 194

    Hello Nishit, as advised in #13095, would you please confirm if the PortOut requests related to the orders that may contain multiple numbers?

    Meaning if customer submitted a port out request approve or reject goes for all entire order that may have one or more numbers. If portout request sent as approve then if order contains 5 numbers all 5 numbers got approved. Could you please advice if this is the way how you did it?

    Kind regards Andrey

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1198

    Hello Andrey,

    Port-out accept reject work on order id , means you are rejecting then all the number belongs to the order id will be rejected same case with approve.

    Post count: 194

    Hello Nishit thank you for more details, as per #13102 it sounds all right, but i think we will need to wait for the voip team to test it as they wating for Portout job for a long time and would like to try it first. Which is ok we will wait for your Wireless Notification job and test one at a time.:)

    Post count: 194

    Hello Nishit we are back to PortOut job and started testing it, it looks much better now we can see loading time improved. We noted that when we logged in to Pending Portout numbers confirming date data is missing, when we checked on same orders on Inteliquent all orders have got confirming day. We could see one order with no confirming date but the rest of the orders have got confirming date.

    On Voip pending PortOut page there is no confirming date information displayed. However when we click on any particular order we can see confirming date there so you just need to bring that information on the main table Pending PortOut page. Please fix that so we can see all confirming dates information for all orders too.

    Kind regards Andrey

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1198

    Hello Andrey,

    Sorry for late reply , but i was checking the reason behind it and i got that the problem is here because i didn’t get “confirming day” from the webhook. You may already know that we are no more dependent on api for the portout list because of page loading problem.

    Post count: 194

    Hello Nishit oh i see i will let customer know so are you saying that webhook provides limited parameters?

    Post count: 194

    Hello Nishit we can see that Complete day parameter display when we click on the order so can you use that parameter data to display on the front PortOut table?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1198

    Hello Andrey,

    May you please sent the screenshot “Complete day parameter display when we click on the order”, I am not able to find where it is .

    Post count: 194

    Hello Nishit please see this screen shot https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/focdate.jpg as you can see webhook gets complete date data so i think you should find the way out to display these data on all the orders column https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/ordesr.jpg..

    Kind regards Andrey 🙂

    Post count: 194

    Hello Nishit any updates on my previous message #13216 , have you fixed it, can not find any message from you for some time?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1198

    Hello Andrey,

    Sorry, But i don’t know why but i did not got your post #13216 by December 16, 2024 at 7:41 am. I seen your post #13216 by today after your post #12223.Now i will check and get back to you as soon as i can.

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