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  • Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit for your #12898, for your idea to run the cron for all entry with different path – you can try that.
    We have spoken to site admin and they told that that it seems that our competitor programmer is a very skilled guy and at this stage we do not need to qorry about the maximum quantities for the entries as NanoTel takes only single number or maximum 2 out of 100 or 200. So we still lossing a lot of numbers and as a job description says: – ” Please feel free to use other technics and scenarios to achieve this goal as the most important priority in this job to start retain valuable numbers 2222,3333,4444,5555,6666,7777,8888,9999,0000,from the above mentioned vendors”

    t this stage we not getting much from Inteliquent provider.
    So please go ahead and try all your knowledge and experience so we can start taking SOME numbers.
    In addition site admin send you the valuable numbers from the most important to the least see the list below:

    1.) 8888
    2.) 7777
    3.) 9999
    4.) X000
    5.) 5555
    6.) 6666
    7.) 3333
    8.) 2222
    9.) 4444
    10.) 1111

    If you able to make something that we finally start taking numbers please just try to make NanoTel system to take these for start:

    1.) 8888
    2.) 7777
    3.) 9999
    4.) X000

    Currently our competitor takes all the numbers and it seems we can not do anything to change this situation.
    If you can bit them and make a game changer code so we will start seeing tens of numbers above purchased then we will that will be a great break trough.

    If you can grip a point and start taking big amount of numbers lik 10 30 50 or 100 valuable numbers then we would need to think about how to make this purchasing not too aggressive as if our competitor realize that we start purchasing all the numbers we bet they will do everything to bit you again so we would need to work smart here.

    Firstly just please make sure that we able to buy SOME numbers as above and then team will address you more strategy steps that we would need to follow.

    Unfortunately at this stage it is too early to talk about that with hardly any numbers purchased.

    Thank you for your instructions – if we do not have reserve or notify then therefore please make the notification message show properly: Number purchased instead of Number found.

    We still waiting for your server speed analyze.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit we are closing here hope to see more numbers soon.
    Just to remind that im going to be on leave from next week and other team members will be assisting you on this project.

    Also i was instructed to tell you to fix this issue https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/ERROR-VOIP.jpg as we can not get our projects down.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Mark,

    I am currently working on number purchase , will give update once i make my chnages.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit thank you for your update, sure do the work as needed so we can finish it sooner than later,
    today we have found that NanoTel had purchased very good numbers 206.260.7777 and 0000 some numbers duplicating for some reason i hope you can fix it. Also we noted that some numbers saying purchased but when we logged in to Inteliquent it shows reserved. Lucky that site admin noted that as we would loose these numbers after reservation time expired. So site admin could purchase hem on Ineloquent.

    I have been advised to pass you a message from the team and site admin:

    ————-Message starts——————–
    Nishit you are well-done it looks that you are found the right way what we need to go. We understand that you are still working on that but today’s numbers that NanoTel have purchased is the ones that we would lie our system to purchase. Please keep it same way and you can set your code that all this keep purchasing and do not worry about quantities. Looking forward when you finished and number purchasing starts working.
    ————-Message Starts——————–

    After sometime NanoTel purchased an other number 9000 and this is very good number so you are on the right direction Nishit we hope you got the point and finish it up soon.

    Just need to get fixed the purchasing numbers not reservation as you have said in your message #12898.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit we haven’t heard from you sometime, please let us know the progress so i can report to the team,
    just a reminder from next week someone else will be working with you as im going on leave.
    So please let me know if any updates on #12903 before we close as i will have to report to the team regarding your progress or no show.

    We also haven’t got any numbers today for some reason i hope it is not completely broken now.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Mark,
    I think number purchase functionality is now completed. Only there is problem in mail functionality, because number is being repeated in mail. I am looking for the reason behind number purchase mail.

    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hello Nishit, well done we can see latest purchased set of numbers confirmed from Jeff, yes it looks that you cracked it man! Yes the mail delivery is one problem and the other BIGGEST problem is that all numbers being sent to reservation but not purchasing im sure you can fix it.

    We can see the result and i think team will be very happy with it, i will send this report to planning and finance and update you shortly.


    Mark Hanson
    Post count: 1302

    Hi Nishit we are closing here now, i have got a confirmation that we can update your page which is done.
    I wish you the best in your further works with webmaklay. As mentioned someone from the team will be in touch with you on next week.

    Hoping that you can fix both email and (reservation – purchasing) issues soon so team will finalize this work for you.
    Best luck!

    Jeff Simpson
    Post count: 37

    Hi Nishit, just a quick catch up will be sometime helping you when possible, will decide on next week.
    im checking your latest messaging with Mark, yes that was a good break trough with your numbers achievements.

    I have checked today’s stats from voip group stats today. Total numbers latest release was 46 numbers (weekend) we bought 28 numbers and competitor bought 18. So far our purchase 60% and competitor 40% which is not bad, good work.

    As i can see Mark has already mentioned about reservation issue – for some reason numbers being reserved instead of purchasing so we manually need to purchase them so this what we also got to repair.

    Will stay in touch please send you updates as usual we all monitor and someone will keep you updated and provide required information.


    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Jeff Simpson,

    Thanks for the stats and update.
    Can you please give the list of the number is being reserved and not being purchase ? It will help me to review the code, Because of time difference between my development time and number releasing time it is being little bit difficult for me to find the reason behind the bug.

    Post count: 236

    Hi Nishit how are you?
    just checking on the messages, yes all the numbers being reserved and not purchased for some reason.

    Today we’ve got the following numbers released 402.402.2000/2222/3000/3333, Nanotel could take 2000 and 3000 but 2222 and 3333 NanoTel missed.

    You can check 2000 and 3000 have been reserved today and not purchased. I guess this is one of the issues we need to repair. All numbers being reserved and your auto purchase seems to be not working.

    Kind regards Andrey 😉

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Andrey,

    I am good , How are you doing ?
    Do you mean not a single number is being auto-purchased or some number is being auto-purchased ?

    Post count: 236

    Im also good praise the Lord thank you Nishit!
    Yes all numbers going to reserve on Inteliquent and then we have to purchase these manually very quick as reservation time is limited and it is very inconvenient:(

    We also noted that on emails notifications repeating please see this screen shot https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Reapeating-Numbers.jpg.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Andrey,

    I will update you once i complete and fix the reservation but not purchasing bug.

    for your point where you are not able to purchase or reserve 2222,3333 , there is a mistake in admin entry on nanotel. I already informed Mark that on this dashboard only there should be wilcard’s entry and i can see there is normal entry for 2222 and 3333 instead of wildcard. Can you please ask admin to change entry from normal to wilcard.

    Post count: 236

    Hi Nishit do we need to setup a wild card record just because our normal entry does not work yet or is it because wild card entry more efficient in terms of better numbers purchasing?

    Yes if you can fix reservation issue so all numbers got auto purchased by default.

    Today we could also receive some of the numbers that are repeating in notification messages, please let me know if you need screen shots of what we are getting but it is same as i sent to your earlier https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Reapeating-Numbers.jpg but different numbers.
    Regards Andrey 😉

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