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  • Andrey
    Post count: 284

    Hello Nishit we have spoken with voip, nanotel administration regarding your #12957, that’s not quite what they want to have but if it will help you to finish this work you can implement solution 2 and disable reservation option from voip and nano tel so all the rules that set for auto purchase – work and auto purchase and sent proper notifications.

    Can we still leave notification function on Voip?
    We will see how you do it and if all works well, with numbers taking and notifications will think what we do then.
    Kind regards Andrey 😉

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Andrey,

    Can we still leave notification function on Voip?
    yes, You will get notification mail .

    Please monitor the nanotel work closely today, Because i made changes and hoping it will work now.

    Note: Please tell the admin that they will not add any reserve number entry not on voip nor nanotel, other wise the system will buy unwanted number and they can loose there money as it was happened befor.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Also for the last time they the system will buy all the reserved number exist in system so they will have to handle it manually.And they might get unwanted number purchased

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    One more very important question:
    Is there any one other user with Nano Telecom , because if any user will reserve nay number then the system will purchase that number also . So i request you to tell the admin that the reserve number functionality should not run from anywhere .Because i can see there are many user registered with nanotel root company and i don’t know if they are also using API for reserve.

    Post count: 284

    thank you for instructions Nishit will try to follow them. Are we able just disable reservation option from both Voip and NanoTel so no one can accidentally set reserve option? If you just leave two options notify and purchase.

    Post count: 284

    Hello Nishit, please go to Inteliquent navigate to:
    1. Pending Orders https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1-scaled.jpg
    2. Please pick status closed https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2.jpg
    3. Click Search https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/3.jpg
    4. After search you find closed orders see by date (last three) https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/4.jpg
    5.You can see 10 October what your script purchased for us, you can even download all numbers https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/5.jpg
    6.Or export these orders https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/6.jpg

    these purchased yesterday, as you have asked us in #12968 – this time site admins were even sleeping. We havn’t even touched anything and when we got up there was a payment waiting for that staff and people are very unhappy with this.

    So please find our what has happened if it is Ineloquent issue please kindly write them on support so they cancel all these orders that we haven’t requested.

    If it is your mistake please let us know about this and still please write to Inteliquent and explain them what has been done wrong so they may cancel all these orders.

    Kind regards Andrey

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Andrey,

    Please read post #12969.

    There is no bug in code nor in inteliquent , it was about to happen.

    Post count: 284

    Hi Nishit i think we should have remove all the reserved numbers from the system before switching to this mode, everyone is very busy to process that amount of numbers. If the system purchased this numbers we do not have any unwanted numbers now right? and this should not be happening again?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Andrey,

    Yes, It should not happen again, but i have a complain for the inteliquent and this is the exact reason system purchased unwanted number . I have checked reserved number list on inteliquent number and it was empty then i thought there is no reserved number (but i was already aware that there is some problem in inteliquent dashboard and there might be still reserved number that’s why i sent you post #12969).
    Remember once you were able to see reserved number list on dashboard but same time i wasn’t . I think it is problem on inteliquent you can complain to them.

    Post count: 284

    I also tried to discussed with site admin and if you can see the numbers purchased it is mostly junk numbers we haven’t been even reserving them. So we can not blame the site admins that they haven’t done manually something plus what you have mentioned in #12981.

    So please kindly write Inteliquent team to cancel these https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/4.jpg three orders as it was not our mistake and we did not reserved them and were not aiming purchasing them.

    Post count: 284

    If you believe something is going wrong and about to happened then please do not proceed you code unless 100% sure that it is all good. We must not do this people are very unhappy with this.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Andrey,

    This is not admin’s mistake.But i still have a question , is there any other who is using nanotel company as root company . Because when they will reserve number then the system will purchase that number also , why i am asking this because i am wondering how these number get reserved if there was no entry for reserve number. If there is other user have account belonging to the nanotel company then please contact them and ask if they are reserving number .

    For #post-12983: Ok, I will not do it again.

    Can you please confirm if the current code is getting all number and purchasing , because i got number purchased notification mail for many number which we wanted to purchase.

    Post count: 284

    Yes i have asked already site admin and no one else reserving numbers only us webmaklay, voip and nanotel what ever codding’s you do it reserves and ordering numbers for purchasing we can only see few purchased notifications today and not much. We will monitor how purchasing going and let you know.

    Before today we have had multiple wrong notifications and those numbers that we set for purchase was reserving numbers and we have been manualy purchasing numbers, yesterday you changed your code and hopefully remove all reservations and today we got multiple junk numbers purchased.

    So far there is hard to judge what’s going on we need to be sure that system works 100% reliable to take a final statement. However yes we noticing more numbers being finding those that we wanted to find but all our customers awaiting for the system working stable with out any surprises to make a final say.

    Did you write Inteliquent about their mistake and latest orders cancelling?

    Post count: 284

    i can see your wrote a message to Inteliquent, that’s good let us wait what they say and why is happening and hopefully they cancel those orders

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1269

    Hello Andrey,

    I completed my code for notification setting task, and hoping the code is working because i can see there is numbers been purchased and also get notified.
    Below are the numbers been purchase:

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