Home Forums EN Repairs Vendors Search Reply To: Vendors Search

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit how is all going, we can see you doing changes on top 20 and CLEC inventory but we haven’t got your confirmation report about the above mentioned so we can test again.

While you working on it please do not forget to use the loading gif with transparent background as the white background looks a bit ugly on the color layout.

Also upon testing CLEC inventory we found that orders being created well and we could successfully order a number using CLEC inventory search – well done Nishit we glad it works.

When we ordered a number from vendors search we have received a checkout invoice on email from the vendor and also we noted that orders being added to the EN shopping cart for payment which is great – on this point just curious if we can make all customers paying for their (CLECL INVENTORY) numbers using EN checkout system (ONLY FOR THOSE WHO’s GOT CREDIT On EN SITE) all other checkouts can be disabled so we wont get any vendors emails about checkout payments.
