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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1123

Hello Nishit there are some more comments coming through below:

4) Reserved numbers showning incorrectly there is a pay now button dismissed please see screen shot attached

for #6903 the totals look good BUT as we noted there is always loading time on the page to display total numbers available and it takes a very significant time to show the vendors totals. The gif globe works great BUT we still need to do something with it to make the totals display straight after visitor landed on the CLECK inventory page:

AS in idea we think maybe the previous record should be shown as Total numbers available with loading gif and message hovering on the top of it saying (updating data or synchronizing current data and etc)

So the idea is all customers could see the TOTAL available number at all the time but once landed previous synchronized numbers should be already present AND IF customer would like to wait let the loading gif and message “updating data..” showing customer that new Total Numbers will be displayed soon.

Please feel free to advice if you have your ideas for that.

for top 20 customers task:

When customers go to all statistic https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/1-Top20.jpg
then, top 20 customers, https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/2-top-20.jpg
we can not see top 20 customers task completed as everything looks as it was before.https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/3-Top-20.jpg

could you please check, also please try checking from iphone devise as it seems there are lot of issues coming out from this OS that is not visible from desk top or android and site admin tester usual checks from iphone too.
