Home Forums EN Repairs Vendors Search Reply To: Vendors Search

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1123

Hi Nishit thank you for your updates, we will check #6846 and get back to you with our feedback.
for #6844 – “I got the mail about the Number searching errors there is no any other reported on email.
One is for no record on selected criteria, And second one is number length is greater then 10 char”

we logged in on peerless and searched for some numberers that ends with 000 in Florida the result respond was 4 numbers available but when we put same enquiry on vendors search there was no numbers displayed.

We are also checking your #6841 and investigate how you could order and get back to you on this.

In most cases when we request 4 digest and more the responds are failed. Also some popups have a spelling mistakes velue instead of value. Could you please check?
