Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repair 24 Reply To: Voip Repair 24

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1273

Hello Nishit thank you for your message for #12747, – done!
for #12746 you are right please do webhook for port out and other jobs we have got webhook already accounted.

We have discussed with finance and they will process payment for you tonight. However you will still need to fix pagination as it shows blue spon on the page which we click, also the font on this https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Portout-details.jpg red section should be more bigger as advised in the description and comments. Also there is a qty selection on the top of the Portout form which does not work when we click 2 items to view there is nothing happening, also page loading should be instant and other content can be loaded after and much more items we would liked you to finish on this job which is mentioned but still not working.

Please spend some time of yours until the end of this week your time to complete all this and on next week we would like you to have a challenging week.

We would like you to start this job here https://webmaklay.com/notification-settings/ the team prepared you a separate server just to check your ability to crack this job and set a notification task up and running. Will be communicating about Notification settings on this forum here so please subscribe to not miss updates. https://webmaklay.com/forums/topic/notification-settings/#post-12748

Notification Settings – will be a very important job for you we would like to see if you able to do this job as it may affect your further contracting for this project. As already discusses we are missing a lot of numbers fron Inteliquent and we want you to fix it.

The notification settings https://webmaklay.com/notification-settings/ job has budgeted and we do not want you to worry about any design or fancy styling technics. The main goal is to see if you can make a script so we can start getting valuable (#12716) numbers from our vendors.

You can use webhook, API anything you like and we have provided to you everything to make all numbers being reserved and purchased. You can use your old scripts from voip notification libreary with Wild card and others, you can modify your code and use any super duper technics so our customer start getting their numbers.

The sooner you do it the better it will be. So please check and confirm if all access credentials are working there and let us know on the notification settings forum.

Please let us know if any questions as we are closing earlier tonight.