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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1273

Hi Nishit it is late here we are going to close , i still did not get what is the progress on:
webhook- have you tried webhook, did you get it sorteded or not. Are you going to finish the PortOut upgrade task as customer wants, currently we can not use it as the loading time is just ridiculous. We understand that ortout some loading time be there but as mentioned before page should instantly loaded and content loading later.

We have seen multiple web pages from other developers and they all say that all the websites use this tehcnic and no one waiting for sllooooow time loading page. We could see when ppl click on the page even most busiest pages opening in just second and we can see a frame work with other content being loaded afterwards you can not do it we just can not understand.

Please let us know as we need to inform finance.