Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Modules Reply To: Voip Modules

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1232

Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, #11759 correct if user specified email address that should be used for notifications but please do not forget that copy of these emails should go to site admin too.

please find more comments below:

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Voip Admin – Porting – PortOut List – we tried to updated the list and see latest portouts and the list updated and showed all portouts till january 2nd but when we logged in to inteliquent and found that inteliquent list contains portouts untill 16th of jan 14th of jan which is not found on voip. It looks that it is not working proprtly.

Also on voip we can only see Intelequent portouts but where is Peerless ports can you please check.

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Could you please check this?