Home Forums Voip Optimisation Custom Features Reply To: Custom Features

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1232

Hello Nishit n.
for your #11477
for 2) could you please advice what task are you talking about?
for 3) will check the download button and get back to you
for 7) Rate Centre on Telinta you can find in Description

a) we tried to change pin on Active numbers but it does not allow to for some reason please fix it
b) in addition to #11479 when we click on inventory numbers the numbers not being loaded and percentages loading bar freezes on 90 % please fix it
c) We also asked you to replace magnifying glass icon to a rectangle to expend / wrap search area but we can not find it on the portal could you please check https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Members-Home-ADSH-expanded-1.jpg
