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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit i have sent your report about numbers purchase to the site admins, they checked and replied back to me with URGENT NOTICE.

They say that Number’s Purchase works incorrectly and sending huge amount of requests to both Inteliquent and Peerless we will need to fix it asap as telecom vendors can suspend Voip API.

When system found number 39.3939 then it sent request to buy very big ammout of numbers to Peerless, all numbers ends with 000 at the end this is very big issue and needs to be fixed asap. Unless you doing something and that cause this temporary problem. Please check it urgently.

After this massive numbers purchases the system sent us a notification that all of these numbers have been purchased. We know that it is not right as there is not suppose to be so many numbers in Inteliquent (all these numbers in PeerLess)
Could you please check it and fix it asap as it is very important, see video attached

[video src="https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Multiple-Numbers-Purchase.mp4" /]