Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Repairs 23 Reply To: Voip Repairs 23

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1212

in addition to #11192 Nishit can you please add cancel button while doing portin at this stage if customer started port in process there is no any button to cancel process so if customer decide to cancel there should be a button when they can do so and if they start cancelling there should be a message saying: “are you sure you want to cancel port in process” – Yes – No – Please let us know when you done that we will report finance for funds topup.

Secondly – Nishit please let us know how the script works if the portin sent but ineloquent replied error or server busy where do we see portin progress and status of the order. Does your coding send a second reply for portin or message please try again?
