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Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, we checked the loading gif works good,but we could not test your porting request fileds as when we add voip number in the filed it says that number already ported in on voip and when we add new number and click submit the loading gif appears which is good and showing message please wait loading which is also good BUT this picture freezes for a unlimited time and we seeing loading gif for non stop and nothing happening.
We are aware you are working on API functionality but from this point could you please take these tips in mind:
1) If the customer input numbers and clicked submit request it shoud proceed request and if any issues aftre some time make a time out message aftre some time if connection is not established or disconnection occured.
2) Please make do not forget that numbers can be input with comma “,” in line, listed one aftre an othre or uploaded with a file.
Please let us know when we can test again
Overall looks good but we can not test further processes as the new numbers not processing and freezing.