Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Upgrades 23 Reply To: Voip Upgrades 23

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1251

Hello Nishit thank you for your explanation and information.
It is good that you have added a @webmaklay.com email to your notification check then you will see that there is no auto purchase notification coming trough but if you login to Telinta you will notice that numbers being purchased. So we will need to fix this issue as it is one of important issues that has to be rectified.

For Great Numbers Inc – this is an account that is not updating call forwarding. There is obviously some problems with the pass that affecting its functionality and if it is the case we will need to fix that problem so the account starts functioning properly including call forwarding updates.

For some reason Webmaklay has the pass and othre accounts do not – to be honest im even afraid reporting it to the site admin as their reply will be straight forward – the site is broken and has to be investigated and repaired. Customers asking us to see results of work bit not other problem about authorization misconfiguration. :)So please Nishit can you fix it asap and find out why it is going this way as we need clients to be working on Voip.

As per your Voip Account Numbers – waiting for the answer for this task
question is : for which user portal is not load all numbers? – have you tried to login from the user portal area and cheeck if the site loads numbers. It seems that we loginging from admin it shows one picture and when customers logining in from their user portal sometime customers see source code (screen shot requested)

for b) For load Port Out latest data admin have to click on the update button. It will load the latest data of the port out – is it possible to display latest data every time admin visits this page? We just can not understand why admin needs to click update button everytime they visit this page?

for numbers display we will check this and get back to you shortly.