Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Upgrades 23 Reply To: Voip Upgrades 23

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nihit thank you for your updates,

for #10513 we can successfully login to current adminwebmaklay account using the pass which is indicated on your page.
Please advice if you facing any issues with logging in?

for #10512 thank you for all the fixes and we will contact Voip admin regarding credit card savings area and get back to you.

As per #10511 :

1) The buttons for save/cancel has been re-place – this one works good thank you for that but would you please make the confirmation message come up when call forwarding saved. Message says “your call forwarding has been successfully saved” and green tick icon shows verifying that call forwarding change went successful.
Also when number saved can we please have this number changed in the number status bar without reloading the page.
Please see screen shot below: https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Status-Bar.jpg

on the same topic.
When customers change their call forwarding they receive notifications about call forwarding change AND pincode change BUT we did not change any pincodes for the number so pincode notifications should not be coming to the clients email.

It looks that two notifications coming for one call forwarding so can you please separate these notifications so only call forwarding change notification come for call forwarding activity and if we change pincode there is an other notification come for pincode change if any.

there is an other comment come but as we can see we have lready listed a task for such comment “Numbers Display” so when you done this task the issue will be rectified.
