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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, for #6907

1) will check and get back to you.
2) We saw that site admin could not achieve the coupon code using iPhone will check it again and request video for your reference.
3) in here we can not see all users who ever spend money on the EN, also it used to show top 20 customers highlighted in other color but we can not see it now?

4) can you check by the number but from iPhone? 715 999 9999 and send us screen shot?

for #6914 For vendor total numbers : your idea sounds good please do so.

For top 20 customer :
Yes please Nishit make it so it looks convenient so site admin could see all the customers who spend any money on EN for all time including those 20 top highlighted so we could track them easily, more information the better if we can see customer spend somthing then we could see what was that top up or link to order ID etc.
