Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Modules Reply To: Voip Modules

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1232

Good day Nishit, very sorry for late reply to your message we were very busy yesterday with an other project.
Thank you for your updates and looking forward for your product creation form, it is great if you do something new, due to long holidays season there are still some people on their vacations so what ever you do on the project thats all great we trust your knolage and will inspect all this works on next week.

Most important is to finish all the Voip Modules tasks so we can check it and close.
So please let us know when you vinished Telinta Voip Plan Sync.

In your #11697 idea would you please send us a graphic structure of how it is going to be looked like so we can send it to site admins and they review that can be a taks do do and paid accordingly.

For Telephone Numbers page i guess it would be good for the customers to be able to view a sort of a table where customers can review their numbers / status/ activity as well as an ability to add / purhchase more numbers to their account.

If you got same though or better idea please send us a graphic looking structure so we can review first.
Once we done Voip Modues job we can do Telephone numbers and other your ideas while team come back and organize more jobs for us.
