Home Forums Voip Optimisation Custom Features Reply To: Custom Features

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit thank you for your good news and updates, will report to site admin to check the search for some of your queries above we have found out: for #11334 yes the numbers display should be under the advanced search and if numbers list is big please let it be pages.

For #11341 and #11342 the download file should contain only that data which has been selected by the client on the advanced search.

For Voip Repairs 23 will address your message to the site admin for inspection;
From above messages from you when you say “Required changes regarding advance search is made”. we believe you fixed “222 2221” NXX LINE issue will check that too.

As per Custom Features job please let us know if you done any tasks so we can start testing them and reporting to finance.
