Home Forums Voip Optimisation Custom Features Reply To: Custom Features

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1232

Hello Nishit hope you are well, i was advised to support you here with this job by putting all priorities what we want to see afire custom features job done. Also it may guide you trough while you working on Custom Features job.

1) Customers login to their portal and they could easy manage their numbers. If open Active numbers they should be able to do call forwarding (simple forwarding filed) see Call Forwarding Repair task. If customer puts forwarding for voice mail it then voice mail selected.
2) Customers should be able to change their Pin Codes – Pin Code Changing task.
3) Customers can work with their TN Settings page currently it is loading ages as page loads huge amount of numbers while opening – Please see TN Settings task. Please make sure that both pincode and call forwarding workingd from TN settings page too. On TN Settings page please change working on the button “cancel” to “go back” to customers home page.
4) On advanced search you started doing it very well well done, just for Return Values window can you please change selection collor from grey to green as the button. Please check that search opens on any of the numbers tab’s click and clients can search numbers from your advanced search window.
a) Active numbers are – active ones.
b) All numbers – all numbers
c) Pending Numbers – That waiting Port in or purchased but waiting for activation so not active and not added to active numbers.
d) Inventory Numbers are – DID numbers from Telinta , these are on clients but not activated and have no accounts and this why do not have pin codes. So customer can put pincodes on these numbers. Please remember that Pincodes can not be set on Telinta so pin code request for these numbers should go to Inteliquent.

these above a short guide to your Custom Features job development, we hope it will help you while working on this phase.
