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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1232

Hello Nishit thank you for your message, for your #10635 i would suggest you to refer to this reading https://webmaklay.com/faq-items/budget-for-a-job/. The more effective we work the easier negotiating with our finance.

For example: it has been a day passed since you started this job and we can not see any progressing report from you. This questions being answered from our accounting DPT we can not ask more money when we losing time this is one point and secondly as you already aware there are multiple tasks that we have already paid money for they not working or for some reason we need to work on them again and this double ups company expenses.

So from the same reading https://webmaklay.com/faq-items/budget-for-a-job/ = Your Effort x Time Frame + Quality = Strong Budget.

My suggestion would be as below:
1) Please present daily progress on tasks.
2) Please do not be shy to deliver your work even better that requested (feel free to to focus on WOW factor)
3) Keep an eye on quality, please see if your out come look impressive and 100% reliable with no fault) this will help us saving money on testers and this money will come to yourself.

When site admins / client asks to build a tab for example make this tab even better looking than customer expects it has nice contemporary look, modern design, graphics and other fancy features = WOW factor.

These above will definitely lead us to more tasks and better budget.
Hoping to hear from your more updates today – clause (1)
Please let us know if any questions.