Home Forums EN Repairs ENNet-PHP Upgarde

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  • Andrey
    Post count: 236

    Supportive discuttions

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Andrey,

    Thanks for creating a separate task for the PHP version upgrade of http://excellentnumbers.net/. However, 200 NZD is too low for this task. This task requires a minimum of 500 NZD.

    Post count: 236

    Hello Nishit, appreciate your thoughts in #13339 i will check what i can do. We may remove extra paymnet added to the previous job as “quick fix for API” ( ref #13317) and add to your ENNET Php upgrade + will try my best to fit your suggested quote but before we start..

    Firstly i need to clarify somthing with you. As API task is very sencetive and we do not now why in needs so much time for you for upgrade but we are happy to give you even 2 weeks to complete this task BUT what we need is: – if / while you will be working on this job we need you to all API finctions are working so team could work on their project.

    Secondly you can do some adjustments on new PHP version and then when everything is ready we will run upgrade so API orders ordering processes work smooth with no downtimes.

    We understand however that it may be some testigs and possible downtimes but API production downtime should not be loonger that 1 hour.
    Please advice if you can do it?

    Kind regards Andrey

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Andrey,

    As you may be aware, ENNET is developed using core PHP and does not rely on any framework. With the release of newer PHP versions, some MySQL queries and PHP functions may have been deprecated or removed. Resolving these issues will require a thorough review of all the functions and MySQL queries in the code, which may take some time to complete.

    I would also like to kindly clarify that the current budget is allocated specifically for upgrading ENNET to a newer PHP version. This scope is limited to resolving errors related to existing functionality.

    Post count: 236

    HI Nishit thank you for your message, you do not have to explaning me this i know how it needs to be done and we done it multiple times. My message was that you can take your time and do it but we need customers use API ordrings and question is can you do it with minimum downtimes?

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Andrey,

    Could you please explain this line: “We need customers to use API orderings, and the question is, can you do it with minimum downtimes?” I am not able to understand what you mean by this.

    Post count: 236

    Hello Nishit as you know customers using EN API to order numbers from their web, so while upgarding we want our customers to keep continiew on ordering numbers.

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Andrey,

    I can take the project on my local server for PHP up-gradation and then it is possible and after finishing the up-gradation i will upload .If you have other server where i can setup for up-gradation you can provide .

    Post count: 236

    Sounds great Nishit thanks for that! You can start it then!

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Andrey,

    I can only start working when you add required (500 NZD) fund for this task and i will get approval from my finance team.

    Post count: 236

    Hi Nishit we have updated you page!
    Kind regards Andrey πŸ˜‰

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Andrey,

    Thanks for the budget approval. I am going to take the current code’s backup and setup it on my local server.

    Post count: 236

    Your’re always welcomed Nishit! Good luck with this job take you time. Most importnat is that ENNET site should be functioning and peaple continiew ordering from API

    Nishit Shan
    Post count: 1230

    Hello Andrey,

    Can you ask admin to provide API URL list also highlight the API URL which is not working.
    I want to work with all API for testing.

    Also, kindly request the admin to specify the error, if possible, so that I can address it and ensure that the issue does not occur again.

    • This reply was modified 4 weeks, 1 day ago by Nishit Shan.
    Post count: 236

    Hello Nishit, to help you with #13360 i would suggest simply to refer to your working files that you made before as no one better know the script that yourself πŸ˜‰

    Site administrators not aware about this tech details and i do not think it is a good idea asking them for such a support providing urls and error’s content. They can only confirm it it is working or report us when it is not.

    When you are going to adopt cross matchings conflicts, you can refer to the error page you have sent to me before and trouble check all these parameters making sure that it is matching latest PHP reqirements including DB. Also please feel free to refer to your API library that you had aslo modified https://excellentnumbers.com/pages/Developers.html.and had been working on. Although i do not think you need to change anything on API but rather on PHP missconfigurations.

    Shortly speaking no one better know the scripts expect those who developed it which is you:)
    Kind reagdrs Andrey

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