Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Optimisation Reply To: Voip Optimisation

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1232

Hello Nishit thank you for your updates, and news, if we understood it right you want to start https://webmaklay.com/voip-upgrades/ after EN Repairs is that right?

If so we will need to test if all current job tasks have been completed so we will be able to report it to finance and move to EN Repairs.

could you please confirm below tasks statuses.

1. API Calls Optimization – 100% Complete
2. Dashboard 1 Optimization –
3. Vendors/Customers Optimization – added manual sync button. Will be tested
4. Notifications Optimization –
5. Area Codes Bulk Management –
6. Notifications Optimization – 100% Complete
7. PortOut Repair –
