Home Forums Voip Optimisation Voip Optimisation Reply To: Voip Optimisation

Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hi Nishit, thank you for your updates,
For 9958 – you do not need any screen shots here i will try to explain again, we need users/ vendors on Telinta to be synchronized with Voip. For example if you check accounts* on Telinta that are not exist on Voip the sync button should synchronize all accounts, here is the example below:

account 1 account 1
account 2 account 2
account 3 account 3
——— account 4
account 5 account 5


account 1 account 1
account 2 account 2
account 3 account 3
account 4 ———
account 5 account 5

As you can see on example above Voip showing user/vendor account 4 which does not exist on Telinta – so the sync button should fix it. When site admin clicks on SYNC button it should sync both Voip – Telinta vendor/user accounts as below:

account 1 account 1
account 2 account 2
account 3 account 3
——— ——–
account 5 account 5

When voip users purchase numbers on VOIP the system should create a user on Telinta and this users/ voip DB should be equal on both VOIP – TELINTA, if we remove user on telinta it should be also removed on Voip (there should be a sync cron job once per 24 hours for example or once per a month) but if admin wants manually sync members this is how your SYNC button should be acting like – but currently it does not work unfortunately.

The other way you can check it – is to create account on voip (by purchasing a number and then see that user must be generated on both VOIP & Telinta and then you can delete this user on Telinta and then test your SYNC button which should sync both users DB and remove Telinta deleted user/vendor from Voip too. Same thing should happened if you delete user on VOip then press SYNC button and this should delete Voip removed user on Telinta as well – then we can say that your SYNC button works great!

I can see i have already advised you how to check it in here (https://webmaklay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/forum-post.jpg) but you did not checked and this is how we loosing time unfortunately:( How we know you did not tested as i was trying to login Telinta and the pass has expired but you did not reported to us so we could respond to outdated pass. The new passes will be updated on your office page access sections.

Please Nishit test / check your RAF tasks so they work and if any issues we are here to help.

for 9961 notification – thanks Nishit i hope you find the problem that causing this issue and fix it soon.

for #9959 – we are missing your respond for it, what are your plans here – are you going to combine these tasks or not and what is the EST for both of your replies?