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Mark Hanson
Post count: 1302

Hello Nishit thank you for your updates,

in #9748 – it looks like you were on current search feature which allows us to hunt repeaters from the Vendors’ data base. The modifications you made will be tested as i think you have got the point that we would need to be able to search all the easy to remember phone numbers plus allowing customer to request and detect vanity combinations as well.

We will test how your changes work and get back to you.

for #9750 – as per vendors deletion, yeah it is a bit tricky since client’s parameters comes from API and we can not create our Voip API to delete vendors from our end, however since Telinta – VOI have synchronized would that be an option to maintain a scenario when site admin delete vendor on Telinta it will sync the data and during synchronization not confirmed vendors record from Telinta got removed from VOIP?

For example: Sync Sycle 1
Telinta VOIP
Vendor 1 Vendor 1
Vendor 2 Vendor 2
Vendor 3 Vendor 3

Site admin removes vendor from Telinta and Sync 2

Telinta VOIP
Vendor 1 Vendor 1
DELETED Vendor 2
Vendor 3 Vendor 3

those vednors that are not confirmed during sync Sycle removes records from Voip as a result:

Telinta VOIP
Vendor 1 Vendor 1
DELETED DELETED ( Not confirmed during sync)
Vendor 3 Vendor 3

Please advice.